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Freight Management Platform Design

The client, a supply chain technology solutions provider, offers a freight management platform that helps companies and customers manage the quality and accuracy of shipments with greater ease.


Delivery Chain is a SaaS web app that simplifies freight logistics with the power of IoT technologies. It removes the guesswork and the stress of not knowing that your cargo is safe at every step of the way.

By staying with your cargo — not with your driver — IoT trackers can provide unrivaled pallet-level intelligence TM at every step of the shipment’s journey.


  • Conduct research of existing fleet management services. Define user needs and pain points.
  • Visualize IoT freight management platform in high-fidelity wireframes based on the research and product owner's requirements.
  • Create UI based on the wireframes for features like Devices Tracking, Fleet Automation, Alerts, Dashboard, Documents, and many more.
  • Document every part of the platform with clear design & dev guidelines.
  • Keep the design up to date, adjust the design based on users' and developers' feedback.
  • Create design for Marketing website considering the platform branding.


Figma LogoFigma
Illustrator LogoIllustrator



To visualize the main app features and define the app layout, we started with designing wireframes and building the user flow. We have created a dozen of screens that helped to develop the core architecture and the UI.

A collection of wireframes for a delivery chain management application

Foundation Elements

To build such a scalable platform as Delivery Chain, we started from a design system using the atomic approach with a color system, typography, and basic components. The design system was growing up during the design process.

Design system underlying the full UI system

Devices Tracking

Users can control and track the fleet from one place. They can get precise location and other various metrics from the device in one click. And if needed there is an ability to see the details, history, manage automation, and more.

Dashboard view displaying actively tracked trucks in a map interface with additional metadata shown

Display of metadata sidebar interface views and states

Fleet Automation

Trigger Automation Group is one of the core concepts for fleet management. It allows to program routes of the fleet with a set of triggers like temperature, location, battery level, etc. Set it once and use it on any amount of devices. It’s an easy way to track what you need regardless of the device.

Interface for automations and side bar for quick view of configuration

Interface examples for creating automations within the app

Ideation & Testing

You will never build a good product without a user in mind, right? That’s why on each major step of our work we’ve been testing ideas and wireframes with stakeholders. That allowed us to spot mistakes early and focus more on what users actually need.

Variations of the app that were tested and feedbacked on by stakeholders


Be always aware of the state of your freight— that's what will make IoT systems so useful and valuable. To achieve that we designed a whole alerts system with different levels of alarm, sources like temperature, location, acceleration, and abilities to track the status of it in real-time.

Alerts interface informing dispatchers of potential issues with freights

Alert detail view sharing additional key information regarding a problem

Dashboard & Reporting

We worked closely with stakeholders to define business needs. After that, with the power of data provided by IoT, we packed it into useful insights that should help to run the business more effectively. As result, we've come with two big features: a customizable Dashboard and Reporting Tool.

Metrics dashboard showing key insights on the current freight fleet

Collection of widgets designed for use on dashboards

Collection of widgets designed for use on dashboards

Marketing Website

We designed a new marketing website that was restructured to better represents new features and fits the new platform branding.

visual assets showcasing the full home screen of the marketing site


As the result of several months of work, we’ve designed a SaaS web app that elevates freight management to another level with features like Device Management, TAGs, Alerts Systems, Live Dashboards, and Reporting. It helps to keep cargo safe and keep the fleet management efficient.

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