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Quality Management Tool Design

Qualtrax helps you prepare for audits, manage your documentation, do revisions, and accreditation


Web app redesign for compliance management software - Qualtrax that helps you prepare for audits, manage your documentation, do revisions, and accreditation.

We’ve re-designed the app using the main UX/UI best practices.


  • Carry through user interviews to define pain points
  • Create user personas
  • Based on the users’ interviews, improve the main navigation, search, and quick creation
  • Redesign the most important pages such as the inbox/dashboard and documents
  • Test suggested UI with real users to gather feedback
  • Build a design system with all the foundations and components
  • Make all the pages and components responsive for mobile devices
  • Prepare detailed guidelines and handoff to the implementation stage


FlowMapp LogoFlowMapp
Zenhub LogoZenhub
Sketch LogoSketch
Abstract LogoAbstract
Invision LogoInvision


Showcases Qualtrax web app design as well as an about section that describes the need for change and a goals section with objectives listed

Comprehensive sitemap for a web app, detailing sections like Dashboard, Inbox, Documents, Reports, Workflows, Personnel, and Administration

Step-by-step guide for the new wrapper design and anatomy of a web app interface

Outlines the design system approach for Qualtrax, emphasizing reusable components and personal approach

Showcases the UI/UX enhancements of the Qualtrax workspace, detailing the updated design for improved usability


  • User interviews summary with their core needs, pain points, and motivation
  • Fully responsive designs that are validated on real users
  • A design system that includes all the foundations, components, and templates
  • Well-documented guidelines

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