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This Dot provides teams with technical leaders who bring deep knowledge of the web platform. We help teams set new standards, and deliver results predictably.

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Announcing October JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training! cover image

Announcing October JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training!

Join us October 28th, 2020 for our next JavaScript Marathon! JavaScript Marathon is a full day of free, online courses on React, TypeScript, GraphQL, and more. Come learn about some of the leading web development technologies, and concepts! Stay for one training, or stick around for the whole day! No two sessions will be the same! --- React Hooks 201 *Featuring Kyle Hill @ 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT* It might have taken a little while, but: have you mastered the use of useState, and maybe even (mostly) understand what useEffect is doing at this point? Cool. Let’s level up our React Hooks skills further by diving into some of the other tools in our box. We’ll leverage useContext and useReducer to create an easy to implement interaction and data flow that scales along with your application and your team. --- Getting Started with Eleventy *Featuring Kyle Mitofsky @ 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT* Eleventy is a JavaScript based Static Site Generator (SSG) that's designed around performance, accessibility, and simplicity. Take your first steps to build out front end designs, websites, and content with this walk through that'll get you set up on your first eleventy site. Learn some of the basics with some patterns and best practices as well. --- TypeScript for Beginners *Featuring Dacey Nolan @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT* During this introduction to TypeScript, we will cover what TypeScript is, what benefits it provides, and how you can use it in your projects. Code with me or just follow along as we dive into each of the types and learn how to use them. --- Automating GraphQL Client Code Generation *Featuring Kevin Wolf @ 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT* In this talk, we will learn how to streamline Front End Development by generating type-safe GraphQL Operations for Apollo Client. --- Building GraphQL Resolvers *Featuring Josh Oppenheim @ 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT* Have you ever wanted to know how graphql resolvers work or why we use them? In this training we will talk about the philosophy behind resolvers and how they fit in the greater GraphQL flow. We will take a look at how the graphql-js library implements them and we will write some of our own. We will discuss some possible requests from consumers and write resolvers to accommodate the needs presented. --- Need private trainings for your company? If you would like to learn more about how you can leverage This Dot’s expertise to upskill your team, and reinvigorate your developers with new knowledge about the web’s leading development technologies, visit the trainings page....

Announcing September JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training! cover image

Announcing September JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training!

Join us September 23rd, 2020 for our next JavaScript Marathon! JavaScript Marathon is a full day of free, online courses on Angular, React, Vue, RxJS, Web Performance, and more. Come learn about some of the leading web development technologies, and concepts! Stay for one training, or stick around for the whole day! No two sessions will be the same! --- React Native in 60 Minutes - Introduction to Creating Your First Hybrid Native Application *Featuring Rob Ocel @ 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT* So, you know React, and you want to build a mobile application - how do you get started? In this training, we'll discuss the architecture of React Native and how it differs from competing approaches such as Progressive Web Applications, Ionic Capacitor, and Apache Cordova. Then, we'll make a basic application from scratch that uses data from remote APIs and device sensors, and we'll show how to test and debug the application on your device and in simulators. --- Using Angular Libraries in an Nx Monorepo *Featuring Patricio Vargas @ 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT* Learn how to use Angular libraries and share code between multiple enterprise applications in your current or your future monorepo project using Nx by the Nrwl team. --- JavaScript Animations with GreenSock *Featuring Christina Gorton @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT* Have you ever been to a website and wondered "Whoa, how did they do that?" In this session you will learn how to get started creating fun, interesting, and complex animations that delight users with the GreenSock animation library. --- Type-Safe Databases with Prisma *Featuring Ryan Chenkie @ 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT* TypeScript is seeing huge adoption in all kinds of settings, from enterprises to open source projects to indie side projects. The promise of type safety via TypeScript is compelling: it allows you to catch a whole class of bugs before you even deploy your code. While there's a lot of focus on making your front-end and backend code type-safe, not as much focus is put on applying the same to your database access. That's where Prisma comes in. Prisma is a database toolkit that allows you to build type-safe databases with ease. It gives you a fully typed database client which means you get type hints, autocompletion, and you are prevented from accessing your database in an invalid way. In this session, we'll build a TypeScript node API that uses Prisma for database access. We'll see how Prisma can be used to give you confidence in how you access your data and how you can be more productive by using features such as the Prisma Schema Language, migrations, and more. --- Javascript-free Websites with .NET Blazor WebAssembly *Featuring Heather Downing @ 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT* Curious about the development experience of building front-end with C#? Blazor WebAssembly makes it possible to replace all of your Javascript completely - even in the front end! Join us as we build a secure SPA in .NET and discover the tricks of debugging and the trade-offs of the server-side version of Blazor....

Announcing July JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training! cover image

Announcing July JavaScript Marathon - Free, online training!

Join us July 22nd, 2020 for our next JavaScript Marathon! JavaScript Marathon is a full day of free, online courses on Angular, React, Vue, RxJS, and Web Performance. Come learn about some of the leading web development technologies, and concepts! Stay for one training, or stick around for the whole day! No two sessions will be the same! --- Featuring Shawn Wang @ 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT In this session we will learn how to build a fullstack serverless React + GraphQL app from scratch with authentication, storage, and multiplayer realtime collaboration, all atop infinitely scalable AWS components, with AWS Amplify! It's never been this easy to go from idea to prototype, and each piece will be livecoded in front of your very eyes! --- Featuring Michael Hladky @ 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT The async pipe is boring! Understand the guts of Angulars change detection and why zone.js is your biggest enemy. Learn the tricks on template bindings, component rendering, and where you pay the biggest price. As a cutting edge demo, you will understand how to analyze blocking UIs over flame charts and how to avoid them. In the end, you will be able to get zone-less performance even in zone-full Angular applications! --- Featuring Nathan Walker @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT During this introduction to Nativescript, you’ll get a brief overview of what Nativescript is and how it works. You’ll also learn how to create a TypeScript, Angular, Vue, and React based app, + so much more! --- Featuring Cecelia Martinez @ 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT Looking to add testing to your skill set or just feel more confident pushing to production? In this beginner-level talk, we will walk through the process of installing, configuring, and writing a critical-path test using Cypress. Written in JavaScript and built on the popular Mocha and Chai libraries, the free and open-source Cypress Test Runner gets you up to speed with end-to-end testing fast. We will also cover general testing strategies for beginners, including how to decide what to test and how to ensure your test suite is effective. --- Featuring Jesse Tomchak @ 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT Setting up user authorization and authentication can be a minefield of security practices, token verification, valid callback urls, salt hashes, and more. Now take all those struggles and sprinkle them over serverless functions! When all we want to do is get past the login page to our actual application. We'll walk through setting up secure oAuth with AWS Lambda functions, covering common pitfalls, so that you can get back to the fun part of your project. --- Tune in next month for another full day of JavaScript Marathon! Need private trainings for your company? If you would like to learn more about how you can leverage This Dot’s expertise to upskill your team, and reinvigorate your developers with new knowledge about the web’s leading development technologies, visit the trainings page....

Announcing Free Monthly JavaScript Training with JavaScript Marathon! cover image

Announcing Free Monthly JavaScript Training with JavaScript Marathon!

After such amazing feedback from our inaugural JavaScript Marathon in April, we have a very special announcement... Starting this month on June 24th, 2020, This Dot will be hosting monthly JavaScript Marathon trainings! These free, online courses will be on Angular, React, Vue, RxJS, and Web Performance. Come learn about some of the leading web development technologies, and concepts! Stay for one training, or stick around for the whole day! No two sessions will be the same! --- Featuring Kent C. Dodds @ 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT React Suspense is coming and it's going to be awesome. It's currently in alpha and you can play around with it. In this tutorial we'll focus on the fundamentals of how React Suspense works (in its experimental form) and how that can help improve the user experience. --- Featuring Brian Lagunas and Jason Beres @ 12:30pm - 1:30pm EDT Angular schematics drive the productivity features of the Angular CLI. With the added benefits of tools, such as Ignite UI from Infragistics, you can take the CLI to the next step with built in component and app templates, and customized themes, and more to kickstart the app experience you need. In the webinar, Brian Lagunas and Jason Beres from Infragistics product teams will walk you through how to use the CLI and how you can create your own customizations to bring hyper-productivity to your teams. --- Featuring Jake Dohm @ 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT Come join us as we walk through the new Composition API that will be released as part of Vue 3. The Composition API is a way to abstract functionality in your application, using some new internal APIs that Vue is exposing. Inspired by React Hooks, it makes it much easier to share logic, data, and methods across components in your app. --- Featuring Justin Ribeiro @ 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT With the latest release of Lighthouse, we have new metrics and tools at our disposal to make our web performance testing and tracing even better than before. In this training, Justin dives into what changed, how this affects your users, and why you should care about these latest advancements. --- Featuring Chris Whited @ 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT We are going to learn how to create a new API using the NestJS NodeJS framework, and then use this API to connect to a database and build a REST API for creating, updating, and tracking issues. We will learn why NestJs is becoming one of the most popular NodeJs frameworks. --- Tune in next month for another full day of JavaScript Marathon! Need private trainings for your company? If you would like to learn more about how you can leverage This Dot’s expertise to upskill your team, and reinvigorate your developers with new knowledge about the web’s leading development technologies, visit the trainings page....

This Dot's "A Complete Guide to VueJS" is now available for free download! cover image

This Dot's "A Complete Guide to VueJS" is now available for free download!

Today, This Dot Labs is announcing the release of A Complete Guide to VueJS written by one of our in-house experts, Bilal Haidar. The book is a comprehensive resource on the internal structures, complementary frameworks, components, and integrations needed to make Vue work for you! Readers can look forward to exploring the tools needed to get their first Vue application up and running, from code editors to installing the Vue CLI. The book then walks through the anatomy an application, introducing force-multiplying technologies supported by Vue, including ESLint, Prettier, source code repository management systems, Git, CSS frameworks, Axios, and more. There is even a complete section, introducing readers to the yet unreleased Vue 3 update! At about 80 pages, this quick guide packs in a ton of additional free resources that readers can explore to gain even more insight into this powerful framework. Download your free copy of A Complete Guide to VueJS, and be sure to join This Dot Labs and JavaScript Marathon on Wednesday, 4/22 at 3:30PM EDT for a live Vue training, where we will dive into unit testing!...

Remote JavaScript Workshops for Enterprise Teams - Unveiling This Dot Lab's New Training Service cover image

Remote JavaScript Workshops for Enterprise Teams - Unveiling This Dot Lab's New Training Service

Over the past few weeks, many teams have transitioned their developers to working from home, and leaders are looking for innovative ways to support and continue team growth despite new operational challenges. We have put a lot of energy into thinking about how we can better serve our clients in the present working climate. Since 2016, our clients have leveraged This Dot’s onsite trainings to upskill their developers, establish foundations for new projects, and promote engagement within their teams. Today, we are proud to unveil a brand new catalog of remote JavaScript trainings for corporate teams. Topics include a variety of web development technologies and concepts relevant to modern JavaScript engineering and range from introductory to advanced. While custom trainings are available, our current catalogue includes: ReactJS Trainings ReactJS 101 Advanced React Architecture and Patterns React Testing React Hooks: Migration Strategies Web Components Training Web Components 101 Web Performance Training Web Performance 101 GraphQL Trainings GraphQL 101 GraphQL 201 GraphQL 301 VueJS Trainings Vue 101 Vue 201 Testing in Vue Angular Trainings Angular 101 Angular Accessibility 101 Angular Accessibility 201 Advanced Angular Architecture and Patterns Testing in Angular NgRx Trainings NgRx 101 NgRx 201 RxJS Training RxJS 101 A11Y/Accessibility Training Accessibility 101 Bazel Training Bazel 101 To celebrate our launch, we are offering any remote trainings booked during April at 20% off! These trainings can be purchased and used anytime within the year. If you are interested in learning more about how to leverage the talent and expertise of the This Dot Labs’ team and mentors, please reach out to us at

Free VueJS Training during JavaScript Marathon hosted by This Dot Labs cover image

Free VueJS Training during JavaScript Marathon hosted by This Dot Labs

What do you call a Vue enthusiast? A "Vue-thusiast"? An "En-Vue-siast"? Whatever you call yourself, we're here to help you learn this April! In celebration of our new remote, corporate training offerings, we invite you to enjoy six weeks of free, live VueJS tutorials! Learning Vue is just one of the five weekly sessions we're hosting on topics, including Angular, React, RxJS, and Web Performance! A full schedule of free courses is available at "Vue" all the free training sessions below and sign up for one today. - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn Vue In this Vue.js training, you will learn how to create a sample blog application from the ground up. This training includes how to set up a project with the Vue CLI, a basic understanding of the framework structure, understanding async data loading, mixins and much more. - April 8, 2020: Master State Management in Vue with VueX State management is an extremely important feature of web applications. In this training, we are going to walk through VueX. Topic covered will include: Installation, basic usage, best practices, modules and much more. - April 15, 2020: Master PWA in Vue Progressive web apps have recently become an industry standard, and in this training, we are going to learn all the steps necessary to add this feature to a Vue application. The session will cover topics such as installation, offline support, push notification, caching offerings, and more. - April 22, 2020: Learning Unit Testing in Vue TDD (Test driven development), is every developer’s dream. This training will teach you how to do testing right in Vue.js with the help of vue-test-util and jest. We will also cover a variety of test scenarios to support you in improving your testing knowledge. - April 29, 2020: Pro Tips on Using AWS with Vue Cloud infrastructure can be scary, but AWS makes this task so much easier. In this training, we are going to walk you through how to set up your Vue.js application on AWS with Amplify. This session will cover topics such as registration, cost control, application setup, CI and much more. - May 6, 2020: Debugging Vue: Quick Tips and Tricks Let’s face it - our code is never perfect! There are times when debugging is necessary, and debugging a Vue.js application has never been easier. This session is going to show you how to debug your code using Vue Devtools and Visual Studio Code. Topics include Components analysis, data modification, handling events and code breakpoints. You can RSVP to attend any of these amazing events, hosted by talented team members at This Dot Labs, by clicking on the hyperlinks above! If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the JavaScript Marathon series, visit, or email us at

Free Angular Training during JavaScript Marathon with This Dot Labs cover image

Free Angular Training during JavaScript Marathon with This Dot Labs

Now that we're all working from home, This Dot Labs has something planned to keep you tied up - online Angular training! In celebration of our new remote, corporate training offerings, This Dot invites you to enjoy six weeks of free, live Angular courses! This is just one of the five weekly sessions we're hosting on topics, including Vue, React, RxJS, and Web Performance! You can sign up for other courses and find the full schedule at Enjoy 6 free Angular courses, given LIVE every Wednesday the entire month of April! Sign up below. - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn Angular This is an introduction to Angular. We will walk through what the Angular CLI is, and how it can help us. We’ll explore a newly created Angular application, as well as data binding (interpolation, attribute vs property bindings, class bindings), and components using input and outputs. We will introduce a service to fetch async data as well as a custom pipe to render data differently from the underlying model. We will do this using the Angular CLI to show the participants how much is done for them. Last but not least, we will add some custom CSS to ensure everything looks as pretty as possible. - April 8, 2020: The Best Pro Tips for A11Y in Angular In this training you’ll learn how to make your Angular applications more accessible. We’ll teach you what NOT to do, and provide you with some best practice tips on what to do to ensure accessibility compliance. - April 15, 2020: Master PWA in Angular In this training, you will learn how easy it is to convert your Angular application into a PWA with just one command. We’ll also dive into the files generated by the Angular CLI that make your application a PWA, and help you better understand what Angular is doing under the hood. - April, 22, 2020: Advanced NgRx: Complex Angular State Management State management libraries like NgRx can be simple to learn, but difficult to master. Managed correctly, NgRx can be a powerful tool for isolating complexity and separating concerns, greatly speeding up development, and reducing errors. However, when applied incorrectly, NgRx can overwhelm your team and actually worsen errors. Luckily, there are a handful of tips that can help you, and your team, reach state management bliss. In this training, we’ll discuss event-based actions, event storming, how to write more resilient effects, how to determine what data belongs in your store, how to build more maintainable selectors and components, and how to identify when your team is heading down the wrong path. NOTE: This training expects that attendees already know the basics of the NgRx architecture (selectors, reducers, actions, and effects) - April 29, 2020: Easy Angular Unit Testing in NgRx NgRx is awesome, but testing can be a complex job. We’ll cover some of the common patterns to test NgRx’s reducers, selectors, effects as well as components that are using those selectors and actions. We will also cover a bit of marble testing as well to help you along in your testing journey. - May 6, 2020: A Guide to Advanced Angular Patterns (Route Guards, Pipes, Interceptors, and more) It’s easy to write websites and applications in Angular using mostly basic components, services, and the built-in Angular tools (such as pipes). But, there’s a lot more you can do in Angular to build your own utilities, and extend the Angular platform! In this training, we’ll learn how to take full advantage of the Angular platform. We’ll explain and build sample route guards, pipes, interceptors, and directives. Along the way, we’ll call out some common pitfalls that trip up teams as they start to build their own utilities. You can RSVP to attend any of these amazing events, hosted by talented team members at This Dot Labs, by clicking on the hyperlinks above! If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the JavaScript Marathon series, visit, or email us at

Get Hooked! Free React Training during the JavaScript Marathon by This Dot Labs this April! cover image

Get Hooked! Free React Training during the JavaScript Marathon by This Dot Labs this April!

Ready to get hooked on a fantastic new resource for upping your React knowledge? In celebration of This Dot Labs' new remote, corporate trainings offering, we invite you to enjoy a few weeks of free, live React courses! This is just one of the free weekly trainings we're hosting on topics, including Vue, Angular, RxJS, and Web Performance! You can sign up for other courses and find the full schedule at Sign up for a free training below: - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn React Learning React is easy. We’re going to create a new project using the Create React App CLI, and introduce the JSX templating syntax. We’ll then define components in the context of React, and describe how to create them. We’ll also learn how to manage state and complex features with hooks, and how to access data from a third-party service. - April 8, 2020: An Introduction to Gatsby with React Netlify is a service for automating your site’s hosting, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and serverless requirements. In this training, we’ll take a Gatsby site and deploy it using Netlify. We’ll show how to use serverless functions to give our site dynamic content. Finally, we’ll review the JAMstack architecture and how it represents the future of website development and deployment. - April 15, 2020: An Introduction to Netflify with React Static site generators are one of the hottest technologies, and GatsbyJS is one of the most popular static site generators (especially for React). But, Gatsby is a lot more than just a blog builder. In this training, we’ll introduce the Gatsby architecture for building sites. We’ll generate a new Gatsby site, explore and utilize Gatsby plugins, and ultimately show how to augment our site with dynamic content. - April 22, 2020: Using GraphQL with React GraphQL provides a strong-typing system to better understand and utilize our API to retrieve and interact with our data. We can then utilize this typing system in our application to build resilient components that know what data they are going to be retrieving and interact with it. This training will focus on the GraphQL system, libs we can use to interact with GraphQL APIs, structuring our components to think in our graph type system, and using this type system to build resilient components. You can RSVP to attend any of these amazing events, hosted by talented team members at This Dot Labs, by clicking on the hyperlinks above! If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the JavaScript Marathon series, visit, or email us at

Learn RxJS from Ben Lesh! Free RxJS Training during the JavaScript Marathon by This Dot Labs cover image

Learn RxJS from Ben Lesh! Free RxJS Training during the JavaScript Marathon by This Dot Labs

Curious about getting better at functional programming, but haven't had the time or resources to start? Look no further, because This Dot Labs is bringing you free training with Ben Lesh, the author of RxJS and Co-Founder at This Dot. In celebration of our new remote, corporate training offerings, we invite you to a few weeks of free, live RxJS courses. These are just one of the weekly free sessions we're hosting on topics, including Vue, React, Angular, and Web Performance! Find out the full schedule at JavaScript Marathon. Sign up for any of these free courses today! - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn RxJS Learning about Observables and operators including how to build an Observable from scratch. - April 15, 2020: Flattening Operators 101 Learn about mergeMap, concatMap, switchMap, exhaustMap, and which ones to use, and when. - April 29, 2020: Subjects 101 Learn about Subjects, multicasting, common mistakes, and how to use them properly. You can RSVP to attend any of these amazing events, hosted by Ben Lesh, by clicking on the hyperlinks above! If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the JavaScript Marathon series, visit, or email us at

Free Web Performance Trainings: The JavaScript Marathon hosted by This Dot Labs cover image

Free Web Performance Trainings: The JavaScript Marathon hosted by This Dot Labs

In this challenging time of increased online purchasing and internet usage, development teams are looking for ways to improve site performance and load times. Regardless of what technologies you use, creating fast websites for your users should be your top priority as a developer, and we want to support you in learning best of industry tips and concepts. In celebration of our new remote, corporate trainings offerings, This Dot Labs invites the web development community to six weeks of free, live web performance training! Web performance is just one of the five+ weekly topics we're hosting on Wednesday, including Vue, React, Angular, and RxJS! Full schedules can be found at Here's a breakdown of the web performance training schedule: - April 1, 2020: Web Performance: Basics Users demand a fast experience and with an ever changing landscape of device and connection types, web performance possible is no longer a secondary consideration. This session introduces you to the basics of web performance and the tools you use to start exploring your web performance today. - April 8, 2020: Web Performance: Budgeting for the Critical Rendering Path Understanding the critical rendering path and how the browser handles the code and assets we deliver is important not only as an engineering exercise: it directly contributes to what we should prioritize to our users based on their taken action. In this session, we'll learn about how the critical rendering path works and how to start setting budgets for your web application deliverables to allow for a smoother user experience. - April 15, 2020: Web Performance: Rendering faster with a shade of PRPL PRPL is a performance pattern that originated from Google that allows you achieve faster render speeds with your applications. In this training session we’ll cover an overview of the PRPL pattern which consists of , Push: the most important resources, Render: initial route as soon as possible, Pre-cache: remaining routes/assets, Lazy-load: other routes and less important assets/resources. - April 22, 2020: Web Performance: Tracing with DevTools DevTools are an important part of understanding web performance. In this training, we’ll share an overview of the performance tab in Google Chrome and how to maximize its usage. We’ll also talk through the benefits of flame graphs and how they can help you find performance hot spots in your code. Finally, we’ll show you how to ensure performance on mobile and in developed markets using Chrome’s throttling tools. - April 29, 2020: Web Performance: Always Auditing with Lighthouse Lighthouse is now built into Chrome, making it even easier to see an instant overview of your site’s performance, accessibility, and SEO. In this training we’ll show you how easy it is to make Lighthouse a core part of your performance auditing pipeline, and the parts of reports to pay attention to at the start of a performance deep dive. Did you know Lighthouse also runs from the command line? We’ll show you how to integrate it into existing build or CI tools. - May 6, 2020: Web Performance: Maintaining web performance in the long term Once you have web performance improvements, how do you keep them as features are added? In this session we’ll cover automating web performance testing with Lighthouse CI, Github Actions, and other local tools to help make your web application continue to shine. You can RSVP to attend any of these amazing events, hosted by talented team members at This Dot Labs, by clicking on the hyperlinks above! If you have any questions, or want to learn more about the JavaScript Marathon series, visit, or email us at

Announcing Free JavaScript Training During the JavaScript Marathon - This Dot Celebrates Remote Corporate Training Courses with Free Classes All April cover image

Announcing Free JavaScript Training During the JavaScript Marathon - This Dot Celebrates Remote Corporate Training Courses with Free Classes All April

While we are all stuck at home and our Netflix queues are running out, we at This Dot are announcing free JavaScript courses for the month of April. The Javascript Marathon goes live every Wednesday with a full schedule of Angular, React, Vue, RxJS, and Web Performance courses as a celebration to the release of our new remote corporate training program. The series of free courses are a once-weekly day full of live training sessions on some of the leading web development technologies, and concepts! Starting Wednesday, April 1st, This Dot will host hour-long sessions, beginning at 12:30PM EDT, on React, Angular, Vue, Web Performance, and RxJS. Stay for one training, or stick around for the whole day! No two sessions will be the same! - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn React - April 8, 2020: An Introduction to Gatsby with React - April 15, 2020: An Introduction to Netflify with React - April 22, 2020: Using GraphQL with React - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn Angular - April 8, 2020: The Best Pro Tips for A11Y in Angular - April 15, 2020: Master PWA in Angular - April, 22, 2020: Advanced NgRx: Complex Angular State Management - April 29, 2020: Easy Angular Unit Testing in NgRx - May 6, 2020: A Guide to Advanced Angular Patterns (Route Guards, Pipes, Interceptors, and more) - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn Vue - April 8, 2020: Master State Management in Vue with VueX - April 15, 2020: Master PWA in Vue - April 22, 2020: Learning Unit Testing in Vue - April 29, 2020: Pro Tips on Using AWS with Vue - May 6, 2020: Debugging Vue: Quick Tips and Tricks - April 1, 2020: Web Performance: Basics - April 8, 2020: Web Performance: Budgeting for the Critical Rendering Path - April 15, 2020: Web Performance: Rendering faster with a shade of PRPL - April 22, 2020: Web Performance: Tracing with DevTools - April 29, 2020: Web Performance: Always Auditing with Lighthouse - May 6, 2020: Web Performance: Maintaining web performance in the long term - April 1, 2020: 1 Hour to Learn RxJS - April 15, 2020: Flattening Operators 101 - April 29, 2020: Subjects 101 More trainings are yet to be announced! Need private trainings for your company? If you would like to learn more about how you can leverage This Dot’s expertise to upskill your team, and reinvigorate your developers with new knowledge about the web’s leading development technologies, visit the trainings page....

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