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Build It Better Headless CMS With Prismic & Storyblok cover image

Build It Better Headless CMS With Prismic & Storyblok

The Headless CMS architecture is red hot in the JamStack community right now. I feel like new products and services are popping up daily. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Lucie Haberer, DevRel at Prismic, and Samuel Snopko, DevRel at Storyblok to get the details on this emerging product category, its origin story, features, tradeoffs, user experience, futures, and more. Below is a summary of the information that I learned from our conversation. The Pain of Getting Data out of the CMS The growing use and improvement of frontend tools and frameworks puts increased pressure on existing monolithic content management systems to make the data more accessible outside of itself. Getting content in a monolith, like WordPress, was relatively quick and easy. Getting that data from there to anywhere else that wasn't a hosted webpage, within that single-engine, was far more difficult. Coupled with the skyrocketing use of mobile devices, apps, and increased web access around the world, the monolith became a point of frustration for developers, and a bottleneck for businesses needing to update and adapt quickly. Who's Leading Who? Is the JAMStack empowering Headless CMS, or is it the other way around? From static site generators like Jekyll, to full-blown web applications backed with content available via APIs from Headless CMS, this relationship isn't one-sided, but rather reciprocal. As UIs needed more options and flexibility over the content, the APIs that Headless companies like Prismic and Storyblok offer were built-out to meet these needs. As the ecosystem of content APIs expanded, so did the features offered by visual studios, as well as their use in web apps, mobile, video, and smart devices. It is this mutual benefit that has led to explosive growth in both Headless CMS and JAMStack use across the industry. Not just creating content, but changing content shape I think the real superpower of Headless CMS lies in its ability to let anyone not just create content, but modify the shape of the content itself. Imagine the scenario where a company wants a quick landing page for an upcoming event. Now, most of us would roll our eyes at the use of "quick', but bear with me. It's a "simple" page with a hero image, some event details, an image, and a video. It's a specific use case, and they don't want to add it as a blog post along with the other content. Maybe they want it at '/coming-soon' on the domain. Well, that URL route doesn't even exist currently. Could this be done without ever contacting the development team? Since the content is decoupled, and just pulled via APIs when the site is built, surely you'd need some tweaking in the code for the HTTP fetch calls? With Headless CMS, nobody from the development, ops, or admin teams needs to be involved. The setup would be something like this: There is a defined set of routes within the content. A route has a slug property and Page property. Page is another data type. A page is an array of basic types like image, text, date, and yes even video. So in our scenario, the team- without you, the developer- can go in add their route, name whatever they'd like, and start building out their custom page. Arranging the image on top, with the right copy, and the video above the fold is a matter of simply ordering the item in the content interface. Once it's all set, they can retrieve a preview link, send it to the director to view and approve, and then hit publish. Whenever content is added or updated, our site fetches the data, executes npm run build, and then pushes that build-out across a network of CDNs. In this case, our fetch routes function has been happily iterating over a list of type routes on every build- this time it just so happens to have a '/coming-soon' element to it. So it creates the actual route, and then fetches the Page data from the CMS. It is then formatted, and styled as just as data from a Page type would be. Then it is bundled, and deployed with the rest of the site. Voilà. Now, it goes without saying that a lot of time and consideration goes into setting this all up, testing it, and getting it to work together. But, it illustrates the level to which we can empower others to create and build on this model of decoupling content, provided by Headless CMS. Just The Beginning It is clear that the paradigm has shifted to Headless content, and that consumption is an aggregate of many sources into multiple formats. From mobile apps, web, to voice assistants, and curbside pickup, people everywhere are adapting and changing their habits. As developers, we have the tools to build an awesome and empowering experience for others to create their vision on top of this. I am excited to see the next idea, product, or format that is published without direct help from the developers....

Quality of Life With Static Site Generator cover image

Quality of Life With Static Site Generator

Intro We're building a new marketing site here at Fancy Pants Inc. A totally new greenfield project within an existing organization is fun and exciting, but offers a unique set of challenges. Let's outline some of the most common scenarios and see how to tackle them head on. For this, we're going to start with the idea of sort of a team meeting, a kind of round table discussion. We have a new site that has static content and maybe some forms. Some of the requirements from our collective bosses: everyone needs to be able contribute, but only the director or those bestowed with the power can publish content. The other big need is to be able to see changes, updates, new material on the site and pass around an internal url to gather feedback before it ever goes live. There are a few more catches that will come up as we scaffold out this exciting new project. Like all good sized projects, we've made some choices up front and want to tease out if they will meet our needs before writing up the work and getting started. Based on a few of the requirements outlined earlier, we'll be using Sanity content platform. Everything will hopefully go there from importing existing content, rich media, and even copy for the landing page. For our development choice and deployment, we've chosen Eleventy paired with Netlify for deploy. The idea is to make the developer experience vastly superior to our current system: to make deployment and preview of the project as seamless and transparent as possible. Let's get started. Where do we start When we talk about everyone in the company being able to 'contribute', what exactly do we mean? Everyone should be able to make a blog post about the latest and greatest? That sounds fine. What about changing the copy on the homepage or updating the Terms and Service fine print buried in the footer? That's a little less clear now, right? These questions raise important technical decisions about were to apply friction. We often talk about 'reducing friction' as a positive thing. We want to reduce the friction of custom checkout so that more people will buy our product or goods. There are cases, however, were we want to _increase_ friction. We want to ensure that updating legal copy or replacing the hero image on the home page is not just a one click away. There needs to be some amount of process or intentional friction to be a sort of checks and balance. With that in mind we'll create some simple roles within Sanity 'creator' and 'moderator'. Sanity has a great sample project and the CMS studio itself is React components all the way down, so we can customize it to great extent. We're not entirely sure what the fine grain controls will look like, so let's start broad and then we can narrow down those controls overtime. For now, creators can create any new content that includes page updates and posts, but only moderators can actually publish that content from its draft version to production. With the content up and running, the actual site will be built leveraging Eleventy Static Site Generator, and the main reason is for its simplicity and flexibility. > In Eleventy, data is merged from multiple different sources before the template is rendered. The data is merged in what Eleventy calls the Data Cascade. While we are only getting data from Sanity to start with, we have multiple other data sources that will need to be added. Even if that list were zero, a growing business and product will need to evolve and take on new responsibilities in the future. You'll thank your past self when you need to add Shopify or some other datasource in addition to the CMS. We don't needs gates Just when we are starting to get some momentum in the project, a hiccup. As we onboard different departments into adding content, there are several requests for a more fine grain approach to content permissions. Our "anyone can create" approach isn't going to fly. After some research, it's decided that Contentful has the sort of finer permissions built in that teams are looking for. Great, but what do we do with our implementation now? A suggestion is to run git init a new project and just start over. We've spend a nontrivial mount of time working on templates and layouts in Eleventy, is it salvagable? The short answer is, yeah absolutely. Remember: our site doesn't care where the data comes from or how many places it comes from. We can wire-up Contentful as a data source, adjust the templates to any changes in the structure of the content (post.body may now be something like post.content) and then run a new build. Having this deployed on Netlify, a couple of us can work on a feature branch, deploy, and share it without slowing down the group working on the page layout, footers, or contact page! Cache is still hard Cache continues to be awful. Humans are not built for the level complexity Goldberg machines that deploy software. We want to keep things simple, and more importantly deterministic. We don't want deployment should not be a constant consideration when creating, improving, or trying new and inventive things within the company. Our goal is whatever is merged into the main branch will be deployed to the production url. So let's follow those steps. A pull request is merged into main. This kicks off a build of the app on Netlify. It runs npx @11ty/eleventy, gathers up all the data sources from across a pleura of sources, and starts to build, on success Netlify points, all the incoming http requests from Fancy Pants dot com to the newly built site that our build step outputted to _site. What if it fails? That might happen. Sooner or later it's going to happen. Will the customers of our fine establishment be forever disappointed with the HTTP 500 ERROR they witnessed? Nope. They won't even know. When a build fails, not if, the site continues to run the last successful build it has been. We can setup a web hook to send us a slack message, 'ops, looks like the build failed'. This is a very different message then: 'the software team broke production and we're losing money every minute it's down, everything is on fire!!!'. Those messages invoke very different feelings, don't they? When you've broken a build, gone back and fixed it, then deployed again, you likely forget about it the next day. If you've ever broken production and spent endless hours trying to put it back together again, you'll never forget it. Quality of Life This is very much a quality of life that a system like the JamStack provides us: it's secret sauce. Things are going to go wrong, and when they do, you have the time, space, and mental where-with-all to fix it. When it fails, and it will at some point fail, it doesn't affect the product in production. Other teams internally may not even notice. This gives everyone explicit permission to ship. If that's publishing content with some cool new media, or the latest and greatest GraphQL data collection: if it fails, it's fine. The risk is so low as to be trivial to ship and to try new things. If this all sounds too good to be true, it's not, I promise. Come join us on the moon. > 'What a waste of time. It's physically draining to do release engineering. There are other things we want to be doing. And it's not FE release engineering. ' > ~ Jason Lengstorf > 'It's not something we worry about on our team' > ~ Zach Leatherman I want to thank my guests on Build In Better, Jason Lengstorf with Netlify and Zach Leatherman, Open Source Author of Eleventy, for an amazing conversation and sharing their knowledge with me. This article would not be possible without their time and insight. Thank you. 👋 Special Thanks to the fine folks at Fancy Pants wearables and underoos 😉...

Build A Static Site With Dynamic Flair cover image

Build A Static Site With Dynamic Flair

Building a new marketing site, a totally new greenfield project within an existing organization, is fun and exciting, but offers a unique set of challenges. Let's outline some of the most common scenarios and see how to tackle them head on. The idea: we have a new site that has static content and maybe some forms. Some of the requirements from our collective bosses: everyone needs to be able contribute, but only the director or those bestowed with the power can publish content. The other big need is to be able to see changes, updates, new material on the site, pass around an internal url to gather feedback, before it ever goes live. There are a few more catches that will come up as we scaffold out this exciting new project. Like all good sized projects, we've made some choices up front and want to make sure they will meet our needs before writing up the work and getting started. Based on a few of the requirements outlined earlier, we'll be using Sanity content platform. Everything will hopefully go there from importing existing content, rich media, and copy for the landing page. For our development choice and deployment, we've chosen Next.js paired with Vercel for deploy. The idea is to make the developer experience vastly superior to our current system: to make deployment and preview of the project as seamless and transparent as possible. Let's dive in. Sanity Content Platform Headless CMS offers several advantages over the traditional method of content. For a platform like Wordpress, the user-generated content, structure, persistence, layout, and style are all combined into a single application. This has benefits such as ease of use, a rich ecosystem of plugins and tools, and many more. It also tightly couples our process and curation of content with the site itself. What Sanity offers is a rich content creation experience, called Studio, separate from our end result, meaning we can distribute it quickly and easily across a global CDN network. That's where Vercel comes in, but we'll get to that. With the Studio comes dedicated SDKs and a generated GraphQL endpoint to get that structured content in just the right way, at just the right time. While GROQ is similar to GraphQL queries, it offers a bit more specificity when required. We can give specific access to everyone in the company using roles that allow them to create, edit, or update curtain content. We'll reserve a role 'owner' for those with final sign off to hit publish and send changes out into the world. The real win with Sanity and other headless CMS's is we can have the development team build out a structured scheme for blog posts, marketing updates, product releases, landing pages, or anything else using Sanity's document based objects and then (and here's the key) hand it over the the rest of the team to build it using their expertise. They can then add titles, descriptions, the right copy, images with specific crops, highlights and metadata for a new project rollout. All that stuff developers are not involved in, the rest of the team can take the scheme and the studio and build just what they need, on their own terms. Next.js Now, to get all that hard work from the content backend and out in to world, we're goning to use a React framework, Next.js. The biggest selling point for this project is two forms of pre-rendering: Static Generation and Server-side Rendering that Next.js offers. This gives a couple features right away. We can statically generate all that content on build time once, send it out to the edges and users will have a super fast, high quality experience. Once that snazzy page has loaded, we can selectively hydrate any dynamic content we might want to keep users engages, maybe load inventory of our latest project from Shopify. That's the other big win with Next.js: it's data hungry. We can load, fetch, and hydrate data from any source in a multitude of ways. First and foremost, we can get content from Sanity on build, and then add sources as the project grows: maybe it's Shopify, or some legacy inventory service over a REST endpoint. The powerful idea that makes Next.js a good fit for this project is that it has opinions on when to fetch data, but the how and where are completely open to mix and match. As a bonus, we also get Server-side Rendering for a great preview experience that we'll look into shortly. How to Query We've chosen our respective platform, deployment method, framework, and content management system. As we begin to wire up the data on the backend to the client, there's a decision to make. Sanity offers a unique query language called groq and also a generated GraphQL endpoint based on the scheme that we create in our studio. So, which do we use? Here's the great part: Next.js is unopinionated about the _way_ we fetch data, only really _where_ it's fetched, be that server side, at build, or client side. GROQ isn't totally foreign as a query language: `` *[_type == 'movie' && releaseYear >= 1979] | order(releaseYear) { _id, title, releaseYear } `` Using the provided Sanity SDK to build and fetch queries or mutations is similar enough to GraphQL, so it won't be a huge lift in learning. That being said, the team is already comfortable with GraphQL, so that makes for a logically choice to start with. However, if or when the need arises for multiple queries or some gnarly nested query, GROQ is in our tool belt and can be additive to the project without backtracking on the work already accomplished. That being said, we also have the flexibility to add additional datasources: maybe there's a DAM in the company that years of assets we need to use or an aggregate sales service that the backend team built for us with using SalesForce. We can selectively fetch this data when the user expects it. By just relying on the components of Next.js, we even get prefetching on pages without having to make any configurations. These are a couple of the small wins we get when choosing a framework with some opinions baked in for us. Datasets, Preview, and Production Things are going great. We've got the studio up with structured schemes for the other teams in the company to add content. An early version of the site deployed on Vercel and tied to the main branch in our git repository. Teams are moving quickly and the site is automatically built and deployed on PR merges. So how do teams starting sharing content, work, ideas, before it goes out for the whole world to see? Preview Mode. When we enable preview mode on our Next.js site, it's just a boolean flag in the cookie, but what it does when a request comes in with preview=true is rather than serve static data or props that we've fetched on build, we can have it fetch draft or unpublished data from our studio. ` In practice, anyone with access to the studio can go in, update the layout and copy of a landing page, maybe give it a bit more flair and click the 'Live Preview' tab that we put right there in the studio! It's going to make an api request to our site at /api/preview passing the draft id and the super secret token that we generate and keep in our ENV list on Vercel. Our endpoint will verify the token, maybe check that the draft id exists to be safe, sets that preview cookie to true, and finally redirects to the site page where getServerSideProps picks up on preview mode. Now we're looking at that super rad landing page rendered in the site with all the CSS styles, headers, footers, side nav, exactly what it will look like when it's published. ` Wrap up > "Service, [and] amplify, and give new skills to non technical people and users." > Guillermo Rauch > "The power, that in the past, only developers had." > ~Kapehe When it comes down to it, what we want in a successful project is to empower users and creators to make without limits. What we've gone over together and outlined above is to that service. As developers, we want to enable those around us, in our companies and projects, to bring their skillset and expertise to the table and contribute in a meaningful way. Do that with as little friction as possible, and you're off to a great start. I want to thank my guests on Build IT Better, Kapehe, Devrel with Sanity CMS, and Guillermo Rauch, CEO of Vercel, for a fantastic conversation and sharing their knowledge with me. This article would not be possible without their time and insight. Thank you. 👋 * Sanity Community...

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