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Build an API Gateway with NestJs in 10 minutes

This article was written over 18 months ago and may contain information that is out of date. Some content may be relevant but please refer to the relevant official documentation or available resources for the latest information.

Build an API Gateway with NestJs in 10 minutes

This article's intention is to give you a broader perspective into the Microservices architecture. There are many people out there, claiming they have a Microservice oriented architecture, but they lack the core concepts on which this pattern relies. My goal is to write a set of articles looking to clear all the fog that appears when shifting from monolithic, to highly distributed, applications.

The Microservices world is full of interesting and incredibly hard to implement stuff. When you get started, you think that, by just dividing your app in multiple services, you are already there. Sadly, that's almost never true. It's more common than you think to see people building highly critical apps this way, without having in place all the core concepts.

In this article, I'm going to focus on the API Gateway pattern. If you are doing Microservice architecture you SHOULD know it pretty well, being that the case use of this article is to make sure you have clear knowledge on these concepts. If you are enterily new to Microservices, have fun, and enjoy the ride.

In traditional monolithic applications, API clients consume everything from the same location. Although, once you start using microservices, things start to change. You may have multiple services running on entirely different locations.

What API Gateway means

The non deterministic nature of microservice architecture lead us directly to a whole new mess. But what can you do about it? One of the approaches out there is the API Gateway. From a 10,000ft view, it's just an extra service that you put in front of your other services so you can do composition of services.

The Problem

Let's say you have an application that consists of multiple services. We want to have our services' locations hidden from clients, so we'll have a proxy service that has to be able to compose multiple requests.

The Solution

We'll be using NestJs. If you havent used it already, you know that it's pretty similar to Angular, and I think it's a clever way to enable frontend developers to do things on the backend as well. Anyway, it comes out with a CLI tool that allows code generation.

In case you need it

Assuming you know NestJs, or that you've read the articles I've just given you, let's go ahead and start coding. But before we start, you'll need to install the NestJs CLI globally by executing the command npm install -g @nestjs/cli.

Create the first service

In any microservices architecture, you'll find multiple services running, either in the same machine, or in totally distributed places. To start our small proof of concept, we'll create a service using the NestJs CLI. Just follow the next steps:

  1. Create a new folder, and go to it using your preferred command line tool.
  2. Execute nest new service-a. It will prompt you to choose between npm and yarn. I used npm.
  3. Delete the files src/app.controller.spec.ts and src/app.service.ts.
  4. Remove the AppService usages from the AppModule.
  5. Remove the AppService usages from theAppController.

The AppModule will end up looking like this:

// src/app.module.ts
import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { AppController } from "./app.controller";

  imports: [],
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: []
export class AppModule {}

The AppController will end up looking like this:

import { Controller, Get } from "@nestjs/common";

export class AppController {
  getHello(): string {
    return "hello";

You've got yourself your first service! Now is time to transform it into a microservice. Thankfully, NestJs covers a lot of it for you. By default, NestJs applications are generated as a server that uses HTTP as its transport layer. In the case of microservices, that's not what you want. When working with microservices, you are commonly using TCP instead.

If you are confused about HTTP or TCP, imagine they are just languages. A traditional Http Server talks in English, and a microservice using TCP talks in Spanish.

Since the service is structurally ready to be transformed to a microservice using NestJs, we'll do the next steps first:

  1. Go to the service folder using you preferred command line tool
  2. Execute the command npm i --save @nestjs/microservices
  3. Update the entry point of the service src/main.ts with the service configuration
  4. Update the AppController to use the Microservice Message pattern to serve clients

The entry point should end up looking like this:

import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { Transport } from "@nestjs/microservices";
import { AppModule } from "./app.module";
import { Logger } from "@nestjs/common";

const logger = new Logger();

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(AppModule, {
    transport: Transport.TCP,
    options: {
      host: "",
      port: 8888
  app.listen(() => logger.log("Microservice A is listening"));

Are you wondering what's going on here? Let me explain it.

  1. We are using the createMicroservice instead of the default create.
  2. Now we have to provide an extra argument for the Transport and Microservice Options.
  3. Inside the microservice options, we tell NestJs the host and port we want to use.

NOTE: You can choose the host, and port of your preference. Also, NestJs has multiple transport options you can choose from.

The AppController will end up looking like this:

import { Controller } from "@nestjs/common";
import { MessagePattern } from "@nestjs/microservices";
import { of } from "rxjs";
import { delay } from "rxjs/operators";

export class AppController {
  @MessagePattern({ cmd: "ping" })
  ping(_: any) {
    return of("pong").pipe(delay(1000));

Instead of using the classic Get decorator, we use the MessagePattern. What this will do is trigger the ping method when it receives a ping command. Then, it just returns the string pong after a second delay.

If you want to skip ahead, you can access this working version of create the first service.

Build the API Gateway

You have a new service to run, but how can you access it? That's what we are going to do next. We'll create a new service that works as a HTTP Server, and will map the request to the right service. This will look like a proxy that also allows you to compose requests, and reduce bandwidth usage in your application.

If you are wondering who uses this, AWS offers it as SaaS. Netflix even built their own solution.

Let's use your knowledge of the NestJs CLI:

  1. Go to the directory where service-a project is located using your preferred command line tool.
  2. Execute nest new api-gateway. It will prompt you to choose between npm and yarn. I used npm.
  3. Delete the files src/app.controller.spec.ts.

You are probably thinking, is that it? Well, no. But we are almost there. It's now time to hook the method we created.

  1. Go to the API Gateway root folder using your preferred command line tool.
  2. Execute the command npm i --save @nestjs/microservices.
  3. Import the ClientModule and register the ServiceA.
  4. Inject the new service into the AppService and create a method to query the ServiceA.
  5. Use the new method from the AppService in the AppController.

The AppModule will end up looking like this:

import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { AppController } from "./app.controller";
import { ClientsModule, Transport } from "@nestjs/microservices";
import { AppService } from "./app.service";

  imports: [
        name: "SERVICE_A",
        transport: Transport.TCP,
        options: {
          host: "",
          port: 8888
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService]
export class AppModule {}

As you can see we need to setup the client to the service using the same transport and options but we give it a new property name to identify the instance of the service. You can also create a custom provider in order to fetch its configuration either from a service that can be local or externally accesed using HTTP.

The AppService will end up looking like this:

import { Injectable, Inject } from "@nestjs/common";
import { ClientProxy } from "@nestjs/microservices";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

export class AppService {
    @Inject("SERVICE_A") private readonly clientServiceA: ClientProxy
  ) {}

  pingServiceA() {
    const startTs =;
    const pattern = { cmd: "ping" };
    const payload = {};
    return this.clientServiceA
      .send<string>(pattern, payload)
        map((message: string) => ({ message, duration: - startTs }))

What we are doing here is injecting the Client we imported in the AppModule using its name as the token to identify it. Then, we create a simple method that gets the current time in milliseconds, sends a message to the service instance, and, once it gets a response, maps it to an object with the response message, and its total duration.

The AppController will end up looking like this:

import { Controller, Get } from "@nestjs/common";
import { AppService } from "./app.service";

export class AppController {
  constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}

  pingServiceA() {
    return this.appService.pingServiceA();

If you start api-gateway, and service-a services, using npm run start:dev, you'll be able to send a GET request to the API gateway by invoking http://localhost:3000/ping-a and get, as a response, an object with a message saying pong and the duration it took.

Although, this is not that impressive right? We could do this with a simple proxy. Things get slightly more complicated when you want to compose requests. But before we can do this, we'll need to create a new service. Go ahead and create the second service, and hook it on the API Gateway as I've just shown you.

If you want to skip ahead, you can access the api gateway with one service or the api gateway with the two services.

NOTE: In the second service, I used a delay of 2 seconds so we can see the difference between services available.

Composing Requests

We have everything in place- two services than can be running anywhere communicating through a single interface bringing more security and modularity to the application. But we want more. What if we had 12 services, and we had to do over 100 requests to fill all the information in a single page? Things will start to get out of hand.

We need a way to compose requests in the API Gateway. For this, I'm going to use some RxJs. The AppController of the API Gateway will end up looking like this:

import { Controller, Get } from "@nestjs/common";
import { AppService } from "./app.service";
import { zip } from "rxjs";
import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

export class AppController {
  constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}

  pingServiceA() {
    return this.appService.pingServiceA();

  pingServiceB() {
    return this.appService.pingServiceB();

  pingAll() {
    return zip(
      map(([pongServiceA, pongServiceB]) => ({

The only new thing is the pingAll method. If you havent seen RxJs before, this might look like some dark magic, but it's actually quite simple. We want to start the execution of our asynchronous calls at the same time, and consolidate all the responses into a single one.

NOTE: The zip method takes N observables and emits once all have emitted.

If you dont want to do any of this by yourself, just access this working version of the application.


And just like that, you got the API Gateway to compose requests for you. This is just a taste of what Microservices can do for your architecture. There are many more patterns, like API Gateway, that you can explore. A cool homework would be to create a new service that keeps track of the running services, and extending the imports using providers, to allow dynamically setting the client specification.

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Introduction to RESTful APIs with NestJS cover image

Introduction to RESTful APIs with NestJS

Welcome to an introduction to RESTful APIs with NestJS. Understanding JavaScript and TypeScript will make it easier to follow the directions in this article, but you don't necessarily need to be proficient. NestJS is one of the most rapidly growing frameworks for building Node.js server-side applications. Companies such as *Roche*, *Adidas*, and *Autodesk*, all trust NestJS when it comes to building efficient and scalable server-side applications. NestJS is based heavily on *Angular*, and uses Angular-like modules, services, controllers, pipes, and decorators. This allows NestJS to help developers create scalable, testable, loosely coupled, and easily maintainable applications. NestJS was built with TypeScript, but it can also support pure JavaScript development. NestJS offers a level of abstraction above two very popular Node.js frameworks, either *Express.js* or *Fastify*. This means that all of the great middleware that are available for Express.js and Fastify can also be used with NestJS. The best way to get familiar with NestJS is to build a basic RESTful API with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality. This is exactly what we'll be doing together in this article. We'll be building a simple RESTful API for a Blog, with endpoints to handle CRUD operations on blog posts. Getting Started Code editor Using Visual Studio Code as a code editor can help speed up NestJS development because of its smart IntelliSense and great TypeScript support. In Visual Studio Code, make sure that you have the following user setting by going to File / Preferences / Settings, and searching for the user setting named typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier. Make sure to set it to relative as seen below. ` This will allow Visual Studio Code to use relative paths rather than absolute paths when auto-importing. Using absolute path imports in our application can lead to problems if and when our code ends up in a different directory. Insomnia Insomnia is a useful API testing tool that we will use to test the NestJS API that we will be building. The NestJS CLI To get started with NestJS, let's install the Nest CLI. The Nest CLI is a command-line interface tool that makes it easy to develop, and maintain NestJS applications. It allows us to run our application in development mode, and to build and bundle it for a production-ready release. ` Creating a new NestJS project With the Nest CLI now installed, we can use it to create a new project. ` This command will create a new project directory called rest-api. It will create a base structure for our project, and add in the following core Nest files: - app.controller.ts: A controller with a single route. - app.controller.spec.ts: The controller's unit tests. - app.module.ts: The root module of our application. - app.service.ts: A service for the AppModule's business logic. - main.ts: The entry file of our application. The initial project structure created by the Nest CLI encourages us to follow the common convention of keeping each module in its own directory. Testing the sample endpoint The installation of NestJS comes with a sample API endpoint that we can test by making a request to it. If we open app.controller.ts, we can see that there is a GET endpoint that was created for us with the @Get() decorator. It returns a 'Hello World!' string. ` Let's run npm run start:dev from our project folder. This will run our NestJS app in watch mode, which provides live-reload support when application files are changed. Once NestJS is running, let's open http://localhost:3000 in our web browser. We should see a blank page with the Hello World! greeting. We can also use API testing tools such as Insomnia to make a GET request to http://localhost:3000. We should get the same Hello World! greeting as our result. Let's remove this endpoint since it was only added by the Nest CLI for demo purposes. Go ahead and delete app.controller.ts, app.service.ts, and app.controller.spec.ts. Also, delete all references to AppController and AppService in app.module.ts. Creating a feature module The architectural design of NestJS encourages feature modules. This feature-based design groups the functionality of a single feature in one folder, registered in one module. This design simplifies the codebase and makes code-splitting very easy. Module We create modules in NestJS by decorating a class with the @Module decorator. Modules are needed to register controllers, services, and any other imported sub-modules. Imported sub-modules can have their own controllers, and services, registered. Let's use the Nest CLI to create the module for our blog posts. ` This gives us an empty PostsModule class in the posts.module.ts file. Interface We will use a TypeScript interface to define the structure of our JSON object that will represent a blog post. An interface is a virtual or abstract structure that only exists in TypeScript. Interfaces are used only for type-checking purposes by the TypeScript compiler. TypeScript interfaces do not produce any JavaScript code during the transpilation of TypeScript to JavaScript. Let's use the Nest CLI to create our interface. ` These commands allow us to create a posts.interface.ts file in the feature-based folder for our blog posts, which is /src/posts. The TypeScript interface keyword is used to define our interface. Let's make sure to prefix it with export to allow this interface to be used throughout our application ` From the command-line prompt, let's reset our current working directory back to the root folder of our project by using the following command. ` Service Services are classes that handle business logic. The PostsService that we will be creating will handle the business logic needed to manage our blog posts. Let's use the Nest CLI to create the service for our blog posts. ` This will give us an empty PostsService class in the posts.service.ts file. The @Injectable() decorator marks the PostsService class as a provider that we can register in the providers array of our PostsModule, and then inject into our controller class. More on this later. Controller Controllers are classes that handle incoming requests and return responses to the client. A controller can have more than one route or endpoint. Each route or endpoint can implement its own set of actions. The NestJS routing mechanism handles the routing of requests to the right controller. Let's use the Nest CLI to create the controller for our blog posts. ` This will give us an empty PostsController class in the posts.controller.ts file. Let's inject our PostsService into the constructor of the PostsController class. ` NestJS uses dependency injection to set up a reference to PostsService from within our controller. We can now use the methods provided by PostsService by referencing this.postsService from within our controller class. Registering our controller and service Let's make sure that our PostsModule registers our PostsController and PostsService. The nest generate service post and nest generate controller post commands that we ran earlier have automatically registered the PostsService and PostsController classes in the PostsModule for us. ` NestJS uses the term providers to refer to service classes, middleware, guards, and more. If the PostsService class needs to be made available to other modules within our application, we can export it from PostsModule by using the exports array. This way, any module importing the PostsModule will be able to use the PostsService. ` Importing PostsModule into AppModule We now have one cohesive and well-organized module for all the functionality related to our blog posts. However, all the functionality that will be provided by our PostsModule is not available to our application unless the AppModule imports it. If we revisit the AppModule, we can see that the PostsModule has been automatically added to the imports array by the nest generate module post command that we ran earlier. ` Adding Service and Controller logic Our PostsService and PostsController have no functionality implemented at the moment. Let's now implement our *CRUD* endpoints and their corresponding logic while adhering to RESTful standards. NestJS makes it easy to use MongoDB (using the @nestjs/mongoose package), or PostgreSQL (using *Prisma* or *TypeORM*) to persist and manage our application's data. However, for the sake of simplicity, let's create a local array in our service to mock a database. ` A service, or provider, as NestJS refers to them, can have its scope configured. By default, a service has a *singleton* scope. This means that a single instance of a service is shared across our entire application. The initialization of our service will occur only once during the startup of our application. The default singleton scope of services means that any class that injects the PostsService will share the same posts array data in memory. Get all posts Let's add a method to our PostsService that will return all of our blog posts. ` Let's add a method to our PostsController that will make the logic of the service's findAll() method available to client requests. ` The @Get decorator is used to create a GET /posts endpoint. The /posts path of the request comes from the @Controller('posts') decorator that was used in order to define our controller. Get one post Let's add a method to our PostsService that will return a specific blog post that a client may be looking for. If the id of the requested post is not found in our list of posts, let's return an appropriate 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error. ` Let's add a method to our PostsController that will make the logic of the service's findOne() method available to client requests. ` The @Get decorator is used with a parameter as @Get(':id') here to create a GET /post/[id] endpoint, where [id] is an identification number for a blog post. @Param, from the @nestjs/common package, is a decorator that makes route parameters available to us as properties in our method. @Param values are always of type string. Since we defined id to be of type number in TypeScript, we need to do a string to number conversion. NestJS provides a number of pipes that allow us to transform request parameters. Let's use the NestJS ParseIntPipe to convert the id to a number. Create a post Let's add a method to our PostsService that will create a new blog post, assign the next sequential id to it, and return it. If the title is already being used by an existing blog post, we will throw a 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY HTTP error. ` Let's add a method to our PostsController that will make the logic of the service's create method available to client requests. ` The @Post decorator is used to create a POST /post endpoint. When we use the NestJS decorators for the POST, PUT, and PATCH HTTP verbs, the *HTTP body* is used to transfer data to the API, typically in JSON format. We can use the @Body decorator to parse the *HTTP body*. When this decorator is used, NestJS will run JSON.parse() on the *HTTP body* and provide us with a JSON object for our controller method. Within this decorator, we declare post to be of type Post because this is the data structure that we are expecting the client to provide for this request. Delete a post Let's add a method to our PostsService that will delete a blog post from our in-memory list of posts using the JavaScript splice() function. A 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error will be returned if the id of the requested post is not found in our list of posts. ` Let's add a method to our PostsController that will make the logic of the service's delete method available to client requests. ` Update a post Let's add a method to our PostsService that will find a blog post by id, update it with newly submitted data, and return the updated post. A 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error will be returned if the id of the requested post is not found in our list of posts. A 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY HTTP error will be returned if the title is being used for another blog post. ` Let's add a method to our PostsController that will make the logic of the service's update method available to client requests. ` We use the @Put decorator to make use of the HTTP PUT request method. PUT can be used to both create and update the state of a resource on the server. If we know that a resource already exists, PUT will replace the state of that resource on the server. Testing our feature module Let's start our development server using npm run start:dev. Then, let's open the Insomnia application to test the API endpoints that we created for the PostsModule. Get all posts Let's make a GET request to http://localhost:3000/posts. The result should be a 200 OK success code with an empty array. Create a post Let's make a POST request to http://localhost:3000/posts using the following as our JSON body. ` We should get a successful 201 Created response code, along with a JSON representation of the post that was created, including the id field that has been automatically generated. Get a post Let's make a GET request to http://localhost:3000/posts/1. The result should be a successful 200 OK response code, along with the data for the post with an id of 1. Update a post Let's make a PUT request to http://localhost:3000/posts/1 using the following as our JSON body. ` The result should be a successful 200 OK response code, along with a JSON representation of the post that was updated. Delete a post Let's make a DELETE request to http://localhost:3000/posts/1. The result should be a successful 200 OK response code with no JSON object returned. Logging NestJS makes it easy to add logging to our application. Rather than using console.log() statements, we should use the Logger class provided by NestJS. This will provide us with nicely formatted log messages in the Terminal. Let's add logging to our API. The first step is to define the logger in our service class. ` With the logger now defined, we can add log statements in our service class. Here is an example of a log statement that we can add as the first line of the findAll() method in the PostsService class. ` Such statements provide us with a convenient log message in the Terminal every time a service method is called during a client's request to our API. When a GET /posts request is sent, we should see the following message in the Terminal. ` Swagger NestJS makes it easy to add the *OpenAPI* specification to our API using the NestJS *Swagger* package. The OpenAPI specification is used to describe RESTful APIs for documentation and reference purposes. Swagger setup Let's install Swagger for NestJS. ` Swagger configuration Let's update the main.ts file that bootstraps our NestJS application by adding Swagger configuration to it. ` With our NestJS app running, we can now go to http://localhost:3000/api to view the Swagger documentation for our API. Notice that default is displayed above the routes for our posts. Let's change that by adding @ApiTags('posts') right below @Controller('posts') in our PostsController class. This will replace default with posts to indicate that this set of endpoints belongs to the posts feature model. ` ApiProperty Let's make the properties of our PostModel interface visible to Swagger. We do so by annotating fields with the ApiProperty() decorator, or the ApiPropertyOptional() decorator for optional fields. To use these decorators, we must first change our interface to a class in the posts.interface.ts file. ` Within the ApiProperty() decorator applied to each field, we describe the field type. The id field is optional since we don't know of a new blog post's id when creating it. A date-time string format is used for the date field. These changes allow the PostModel structure to be documented within Swagger. With our NestJS app running, we can now go to http://localhost:3000/api to view the documentation of the PostModel. ApiResponse Let's use the @ApiResponse() decorator for Swagger to document all the possible responses from our API's endpoints. This will be helpful for informing users of our API what responses they can expect to receive by calling a given endpoint. We will be making these changes in the PostsController class. For the findAll method, let's use the @ApiOkResponse() decorator to document a 200 OK success response. ` For the findOne method, let's use the @ApiOkResponse() decorator to document a 200 OK response when the post is found. Let's use the @ApiNotFoundResponse() decorator to document a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error when a post is not found. ` For the create method, let's use the @ApiCreatedResponse() decorator to document a 201 CREATED response when a post is created. Let's use the @ApiUnprocessableEntityResponse() decorator to document a 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY HTTP error when a duplicate post title is found. ` For the delete method, let's use the @ApiOkResponse() decorator to document a 200 OK response when a post is deleted. Let's use the @ApiNotFoundResponse() decorator to document a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error when the post to be deleted is not found. ` For the update method, let's use the @ApiOkResponse() decorator to document a 200 OK response when a post is updated. Let's use the @ApiNotFoundResponse() decorator to document a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error when the post to be updated is not found. Let's use the @ApiUnprocessableEntityResponse() decorator to document a 422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY HTTP error when a duplicate post title is found. ` After saving these changes, all response codes and their related descriptions should now be listed for each endpoint on the Swagger web page at http://localhost:3000/api. We could also use Swagger instead of Insomnia to test our API. By clicking on the "Try it out" button that appears under each endpoint on the Swagger web page, we can see if they are working as expected. Exception filter Exception filters give us full control over the exceptions layer of NestJS. We can use an exception filter to add custom fields to a HTTP exception response body or to print out logs of every HTTP exception that occurs to the Terminal. Let's create a new filters folder in the /src folder, as well as a new file called http-exception.filter.ts within it. Let's add the following class in this file. ` This class makes use of the NestJS logger to print a warning message to the Terminal whenever a HTTP exception occurs. It also returns two custom fields within the response body whenever a HTTP exception occurs. The timestamp field reports when the exception occurred, and the endpoint field reports which route triggered the exception. In order to apply this filter, we need to decorate the PostsController with @UseFilters(new HttpExceptionFilter()). ` After saving these changes, NestJS will reload our application for us. If we use Insomnia to send a PUT /posts/1 request to our API, it should trigger a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error, since no blog posts exist for updating in our application when it starts. The HTTP exception response body that is returned to Insomnia should now contain the timestamp and endpoint fields. ` We should also see the following line printed out to the Terminal. ` Summary In this article, we saw how NestJS makes back-end API development fast, simple, and effective. The NestJS application structure has helped us build a very well-organized project. We covered a lot, so let's recap what we learned: - How to use the NestJS CLI. - How to build feature modules in NestJS. - How to use services and controllers. - How to test an API with Insomnia. - How to add logging to NestJS apps. - How to use Swagger for documenting and previewing NestJS APIs. - How to get full control of HTTP exceptions in NestJS. Happy developing with NestJS! Code Visit the following GitHub repository in order to access the code featured in this article....

How to host a full-stack app with AWS CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk cover image

How to host a full-stack app with AWS CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk

How to host a full-stack JavaScript app with AWS CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk Let's imagine that you have finished building your app. You have a Single Page Application (SPA) with a NestJS back-end. You are ready to launch, but what if your app is a hit, and you need to be prepared to serve thousands of users? You might need to scale your API horizontally, which means that to serve traffic, you need to have more instances running behind a load balancer. Serving your front-end using a CDN will also be helpful. In this article, I am going to give you steps on how to set up a scalable distribution in AWS, using S3, CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk. The NestJS API and the simple front-end are both inside an NX monorepo The sample application For the sake of this tutorial, we have put together a very simple HTML page that tries to reach an API endpoint and a very basic API written in NestJS. The UI The UI code is very simple. There is a "HELLO" button on the UI which when clicked, tries to reach out to the /api/hello endpoint. If there is a response with status code 2xx, it puts an h1 tag with the response contents into the div with the id result. If it errors out, it puts an error message into the same div. ` The API We bootstrap the NestJS app to have the api prefix before every endpoint call. ` We bootstrap it with the AppModule which only has the AppController in it. ` And the AppController sets up two very basic endpoints. We set up a health check on the /api route and our hello endpoint on the /api/hello route. ` Hosting the front-end with S3 and CloudFront To serve the front-end through a CMS, we should first create an S3 bucket. Go to S3 in your AWS account and create a new bucket. Name your new bucket to something meaningful. For example, if this is going to be your production deployment I recommend having -prod in the name so you will be able to see at a glance, that this bucket contains your production front-end and nothing should get deleted accidentally. We go with the defaults for this bucket setting it to the us-east-1 region. Let's set up the bucket to block all public access, because we are going to allow get requests through CloudFront to these files. We don't need bucket versioning enabled, because these files will be deleted every time a new front-end version will be uploaded to this bucket. If we were to enable bucket versioning, old front-end files would be marked as deleted and kept, increasing the storage costs in the long run. Let's use server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys and create the bucket. When the bucket is created, upload the front-end files to the bucket and let's go to the CloudFront service and create a distribution. As the origin domain, choose your S3 bucket. Feel free to change the name for the origin. For Origin access, choose the Origin access control settings (recommended). Create a new Control setting with the defaults. I recommend adding a description to describe this control setting. At the Web Application Firewall (WAF) settings we would recommend enabling security protections, although it has cost implications. For this tutorial, we chose not to enable WAF for this CloudFront distribution. In the Settings section, please choose the Price class that best fits you. If you have a domain and an SSL certificate you can set those up for this distribution, but you can do that later as well. As the Default root object, please provide index.html and create the distribution. When you have created the distribution, you should see a warning at the top of the page. Copy the policy and go to your S3 bucket's Permissions tab. Edit the Bucket policy and paste the policy you just copied, then save it. If you have set up a domain with your CloudFront distribution, you can open that domain and you should be able to see our front-end deployed. If you didn't set up a domain the Details section of your CloudFront distribution contains your distribution domain name. If you click on the "Hello" button on your deployed front-end, it should not be able to reach the /api/hello endpoint and should display an error message on the page. Hosting the API in Elastic Beanstalk Elastic beanstalk prerequisites For our NestJS API to run in Elastic Beanstalk, we need some additional setup. Inside the apps/api/src folder, let's create a Procfile with the contents: web: node main.js. Then open the apps/api/project.json and under the build configuration, extend the production build setup with the following (I only ) ` The above settings will make sure that when we build the API with a production configuration, it will generate a package.json and a package-lock.json near the output file main.js. To have a production-ready API, we set up a script in the package.json file of the repository. Running this will create a dist/apps/api and a dist/apps/frontend folder with the necessary files. ` After running the script, zip the production-ready api folder so we can upload it to Elastic Beanstalk later. ` Creating the Elastic Beanstalk Environment Let's open the Elastic Beanstalk service in the AWS console. And create an application. An application is a logical grouping of several environments. We usually put our development, staging and production environments under the same application name. The first time you are going to create an application you will need to create an environment as well. We are creating a Web server environment. Provide your application's name in the Application information section. You could also provide some unique tags for your convenience. In the Environment information section please provide information on your environment. Leave the Domain field blank for an autogenerated value. When setting up the platform, we are going to use the Managed Node.js platform with version 18 and with the latest platform version. Let's upload our application code, and name the version to indicate that it was built locally. This version label will be displayed on the running environment and when we set up automatic deployments we can validate if the build was successful. As a Preset, let's choose Single instance (free tier eligible) On the next screen configure your service access. For this tutorial, we only create a new service-role. You must select the aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role for the EC2 instance profile. If can't select this role, you should create it in AWS IAM with the AWSElasticBeanstalkWebTier, AWSElasticBeanstalkMulticontainerDocker and the AWSElasticBeanstalkRoleWorkerTier managed permissions. The next step is to set up the VPC. For this tutorial, I chose the default VPC that is already present with my AWS account, but you can create your own VPC and customise it. In the Instance settings section, we want our API to have a public IP address, so it can be reached from the internet, and we can route to it from CloudFront. Select all the instance subnets and availability zones you want to have for your APIs. For now, we are not going to set up a database. We can set it up later in AWS RDS but in this tutorial, we would like to focus on setting up the distribution. Let's move forward Let's configure the instance traffic and scaling. This is where we are going to set up the load balancer. In this tutorial, we are keeping to the defaults, therefore, we add the EC2 instances to the default security group. In the Capacity section we set the Environment type to Load balanced. This will bring up a load balancer for this environment. Let's set it up so that if the traffic is large, AWS can spin up two other instances for us. Please select your preferred tier in the instance types section, We only set this to t3.micro For this tutorial, but you might need to use larger tiers. Configure the Scaling triggers to your needs, we are going to leave them as defaults. Set the load balancer's visibility to the public and use the same subnets that you have used before. At the Load Balancer Type section, choose Application load balancer and select Dedicated for exactly this environment. Let's set up the listeners, to support HTTPS. Add a new listener for the 443 port and connect your SSL certificate that you have set up in CloudFront as well. For the SSL policy choose something that is over TLS 1.2 and connect this port to the default process. Now let's update the default process and set up the health check endpoint. We set up our API to have the health check endpoint at the /api route. Let's modify the default process accordingly and set its port to 8080. For this tutorial, we decided not to enable log file access, but if you need it, please set it up with a separate S3 bucket. At the last step of configuring your Elastic Beanstalk environment, please set up Monitoring, CloudWatch logs and Managed platform updates to your needs. For the sake of this tutorial, we have turned most of these options off. Set up e-mail notifications to your dedicated alert e-mail and select how you would like to do your application deployments. At the end, let's configure the Environment properties. We have set the default process to occupy port 8080, therefore, we need to set up the PORT environment variable to 8080. Review your configuration and then create your environment. It might take a few minutes to set everything up. After the environment's health transitions to OK you can go to AWS EC2 / Load balancers in your web console. If you select the freshly created load balancer, you can copy the DNS name and test if it works by appending /api/hello at the end of it. Connect CloudFront to the API endpoint Let's go back to our CloudFront distribution and select the Origins tab, then create a new origin. Copy your load balancer's URL into the Origin domain field and select HTTPS only protocol if you have set up your SSL certificate previously. If you don't have an SSL certificate set up, you might use HTTP only, but please know that it is not secure and it is especially not recommended in production. We also renamed this origin to API. Leave everything else as default and create a new origin. Under the Behaviors tab, create a new behavior. Set up the path pattern as /api/* and select your newly created API origin. At the Viewer protocol policy select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS and allow all HTTP methods (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE). For this tutorial, we have left everything else as default, but please select the Cache Policy and Origin request policy that suits you the best. Now if you visit your deployment, when you click on the HELLO button, it should no longer attach an error message to the DOM. --- Now we have a distribution that serves the front-end static files through CloudFront, leveraging caching and CDN, and we have our API behind a load balancer that can scale. But how do we deploy our front-end and back-end automatically when a release is merged to our main branch? For that we are going to leverage AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline, but in the next blog post. Stay tuned....

Integrating Playwright Tests into Your GitHub Workflow with Vercel cover image

Integrating Playwright Tests into Your GitHub Workflow with Vercel

Vercel previews offer a great way to test PRs for a project. They have a predefined environment and don’t require any additional setup work from the reviewer to test changes quickly. Many projects also use end-to-end tests with Playwright as part of the review process to ensure that no regressions slip uncaught. Usually, workflows configure Playwright to run against a project running on the GitHub action worker itself, maybe with dependencies in Docker containers as well, however, why bother setting that all up and configuring yet another environment for your app to run in when there’s a working preview right there? Not only that, the Vercel preview will be more similar to production as it’s running on the same infrastructure, allowing you to be more confident about the accuracy of your tests. In this article, I’ll show you how you can run Playwright against the Vercel preview associated with a PR. Setting up the Vercel Project To set up a project in Vercel, we first need to have a codebase. I’m going to use the Next.js starter, but you can use whatever you like. What technology stack you use for this project won’t matter, as integrating Playwright with it will be the same experience. You can create a Next.js project with the following command: ` If you’ve selected all of the defaults, you should be able to run npm run dev and navigate to the app at http://localhost:3000. Setting up Playwright We will set up Playwright the standard way and make a few small changes to the configuration and the example test so that they run against our site and not the Playwright site. Setup Playwright in our existing project by running the following command: ` Install all browsers when prompted, and for the workflow question, say no since the one we’re going to use will work differently than the default one. The default workflow doesn’t set up a development server by default, and if that is enabled, it will run on the GitHub action virtual machine instead of against our Vercel deployment. To make Playwright run tests against the Vercel deployment, we’ll need to define a baseUrl in playwright.config.ts and send an additional header called X-Vercel-Protection-Bypass where we'll pass the bypass secret that we generated earlier so that we don’t get blocked from making requests to the deployment. I’ll cover how to add this environment variable to GitHub later. ` Our GitHub workflow will set the DEPLOYMENT_URL environment variable automatically. Now, in tests/example.spec.ts let’s rewrite the tests to work against the Next.js starter that we generated earlier: ` This is similar to the default test provided by Playwright. The main difference is we’re loading pages relative to baseURL instead of Playwright’s website. With that done and your Next.js dev server running, you should be able to run npx playwright test and see 6 passing tests against your local server. Now that the boilerplate is handled let’s get to the interesting part. The Workflow There is a lot going on in the workflow that we’ll be using, so we’ll go through it step by step, starting from the top. At the top of the file, we name the workflow and specify when it will run. ` This workflow will run against new PRs against the default branch and whenever new commits are merged against it. If you only want the workflow to run against PRs, you can remove the push object. Be careful about running workflows against your main branch if the deployment associated with it in Vercel is the production deployment. Some tests might not be safe to run against production such as destructive tests or those that modify customer data. In our simple example, however, this isn’t something to worry about. Installing Playwright in the Virtual Machine Workflows have jobs associated with them, and each job has multiple steps. Our test job takes a few steps to set up our project and install Playwright. ` The actions/checkout@v4 step clones our code since it isn’t available straight out of the gate. After that, we install Node v22 with actions/setup-node@v4, which, at the time of writing this article, is the latest LTS available. The latest LTS version of Node should always work with Playwright. With the project cloned and Node installed, we can install dependencies now. We run npm ci to install packages using the versions specified in the lock file. After our JS dependencies are installed, we have to install dependencies for Playwright now. sudo npx playwright install-deps installs all system dependencies that Playwright needs to work using apt, which is the package manager used by Ubuntu. This command needs to be run as the administrative user since higher privilege is needed to install system packages. Playwright’s dependencies aren’t all available in npm because the browser engines are native code that has native library dependencies that aren’t in the registry. Vercel Preview URL and GitHub Action Await Vercel The next couple of steps is where the magic happens. We need two things to happen to run our tests against the deployment. First, we need the URL of the deployment we want to test. Second, we want to wait until the deployment is ready to go before we run our tests. We have written about this topic before on our blog if you want more information about this step, but we’ll reiterate some of that here. Thankfully, the community has created GitHub actions that allow us to do this called zentered/vercel-preview-url and UnlyEd/github-action-await-vercel. Here is how you can use these actions: ` There are a few things to take note of here. Firstly, some variables need to be set that will differ from project to project. vercel_app in the zentered/vercel-preview-url step needs to be set to the name of your project in Vercel that was created earlier. The other variable that you need is the VERCEL_TOKEN environment variable. You can get this by going to Vercel > Account Settings > Tokens and creating a token in the form that appears. For the scope, select the account that has your project. To put VERCEL_TOKEN into GitHub, navigate to your repo, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions and add it to Repository secrets. We should also add VERCEL_AUTOMATION_BYPASS_SECRETl. In Vercel, go to your project then navigate to Settings > Deployment Protection > Protection Bypass for Automation. From here you can add the secret, copy it to your clipboard, and put it in your GitHub action environment variables just like we did with VERCEL_TOKEN. With the variables taken care of, let’s take a look at how these two steps work together. You will notice that the zentered/vercel-preview-url step has an ID set to vercel_preview_url. We need this so we can pass the URL we receive to the UnlyEd/github-action-await-vercel action, as it needs a URL to know which deployment to wait on. Running Playwright After the last steps we just added, our deployment should be ready to go, and we can run our tests! The following steps will run the Playwright tests against the deployment and save the results to GitHub: ` In the first step, where we run the tests, we pass in the environment variables needed by our Playwright configuration that’s stored in playwright.config.ts. DEPLOYMENT_URL uses the Vercel deployment URL we got in an earlier step, and VERCEL_AUTOMATION_BYPASS_SECRET gets passed the secret with the same name directly from the GitHub secret store. The second step uploads a report of how the tests did to GitHub, regardless of whether they’ve passed or failed. If you need to access these reports, you can find them in the GitHub action log. There will be a link in the last step that will allow you to download a zip file. Once this workflow is in the default branch, it should start working for all new PRs! It’s important to note that this won’t work for forked PRs unless they are explicitly approved, as that’s a potential security hazard that can lead to secrets being leaked. You can read more about this in the GitHub documentation. One Caveat There’s one caveat that is worth mentioning with this approach, which is latency. Since your application is being served by Vercel and not locally on the GitHub action instance itself, there will be longer round-trips to it. This could result in your tests taking longer to execute. How much latency there is can vary based on what region your runner ends up being hosted in and whether the pages you’re loading are served from the edge or not. Conclusion Running your Playwright tests against Vercel preview deployments provides a robust way of running your tests against new code in an environment that more closely aligns with production. Doing this also eliminates the need to create and maintain a 2nd test environment under which your project needs to work....

Incremental Hydration in Angular cover image

Incremental Hydration in Angular

Incremental Hydration in Angular Some time ago, I wrote a post about SSR finally becoming a first-class citizen in Angular. It turns out that the Angular team really treats SSR as a priority, and they have been working tirelessly to make SSR even better. As the previous blog post mentioned, full-page hydration was launched in Angular 16 and made stable in Angular 17, providing a great way to improve your Core Web Vitals. Another feature aimed to help you improve your INP and other Core Web Vitals was introduced in Angular 17: deferrable views. Using the @defer blocks allows you to reduce the initial bundle size and defer the loading of heavy components based on certain triggers, such as the section entering the viewport. Then, in September 2024, the smart folks at Angular figured out that they could build upon those two features, allowing you to mark parts of your application to be server-rendered dehydrated and then hydrate them incrementally when needed - hence incremental hydration. I’m sure you know what hydration is. In short, the server sends fully formed HTML to the client, ensuring that the user sees meaningful content as quickly as possible and once JavaScript is loaded on the client side, the framework will reconcile the rendered DOM with component logic, event handlers, and state - effectively hydrating the server-rendered content. But what exactly does "dehydrated" mean, you might ask? Here's what will happen when you mark a part of your application to be incrementally hydrated: 1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): The content marked for incremental hydration is rendered on the server. 2. Skipped During Client-Side Bootstrapping: The dehydrated content is not initially hydrated or bootstrapped on the client, reducing initial load time. 3. Dehydrated State: The code for the dehydrated components is excluded from the initial client-side bundle, optimizing performance. 4. Hydration Triggers: The application listens for specified hydration conditions (e.g., on interaction, on viewport), defined with a hydrate trigger in the @defer block. 5. On-Demand Hydration: Once the hydration conditions are met, Angular downloads the necessary code and hydrates the components, allowing them to become interactive without layout shifts. How to Use Incremental Hydration Thanks to Mark Thompson, who recently hosted a feature showcase on incremental hydration, we can show some code. The first step is to enable incremental hydration in your Angular application's appConfig using the provideClientHydration provider function: ` Then, you can mark the components you want to be incrementally hydrated using the @defer block with a hydrate trigger: ` And that's it! You now have a component that will be server-rendered dehydrated and hydrated incrementally when it becomes visible to the user. But what if you want to hydrate the component on interaction or some other trigger? Or maybe you don't want to hydrate the component at all? The same triggers already supported in @defer blocks are available for hydration: - idle: Hydrate once the browser reaches an idle state. - viewport: Hydrate once the component enters the viewport. - interaction: Hydrate once the user interacts with the component through click or keydown triggers. - hover: Hydrate once the user hovers over the component. - immediate: Hydrate immediately when the component is rendered. - timer: Hydrate after a specified time delay. - when: Hydrate when a provided conditional expression is met. And on top of that, there's a new trigger available for hydration: - never: When used, the component will remain static and not hydrated. The never trigger is handy when you want to exclude a component from hydration altogether, making it a completely static part of the page. Personally, I'm very excited about this feature and can't wait to try it out. How about you?...

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