We have more exciting updates from the Angular community! Watch Rob Wormald, Ward Bell, Kara Erickson, Paul Gschwendtner and Justin Schwartzenberger discuss the future of Angular, the Angular Community, the Reactive programming story behind Forms, the new UI components in Angular Material and a greater look into the Component Architecture.
Angular and the Community
State and Future of Angular and the Community with Rob Wormald
Rob Wormald, Angular core team member discusses the evolution of Angular.
Adoption from other communities
The adoption of Angular by backend developers using technologies like Java and ASP.NET, has increased over the years. Much of this can be attributed to TypeScript, Angular’s dependency injection, and the rich IDE. Backend developers who are familiar with types and dependency injection feel at home using Angular due to its IDE; complete with syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and other features.
Improved semantic versioning
With Angular 4, stricter semantic versioning has been adopted by the team, providing more stability to the platform. Developers no longer have to worry about their code breaking while upgrading their applications.
A new RFC process?
Creating an RFC process allows developers to propose an idea and request feedback for a new feature. The value present would be the collaboration of the community and core team, who will be coming together to evaluate the feasability of the ideas.
The reacting programming story for Angular
Upcoming reactive programming changes in the framework will allow Angular developers to create complex interactions like drag-n-drops easily, but that’s just the beginning.
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Future of Angular
The Future of Angular — An Interview with Ward Bell
Ward Bell is a Google Developer Expert for Angular and a Microsoft MVP. He promises us an exciting future for Angular. Ward believes Angular is on the path to (once again) changing the way we write and architect applications.
The new ways of programming and features offered by Angular, including RxJS, are opening up another dimension of possibilities. For instance, Reactive Forms using push-based validation will benefit and change how applications like online bidding work.
Ward’s enthusiasm for new technologies doesn’t stop at RxJS. He comments on how effective TypeScript has been on improving quality of code and making the developer experience easier.
Another big milestone for Angular is developers have started to view Angular as a platform not just for web application, but for other projects such as WebVR and WebGL as well.
Though new concepts like RxJS may be hard to grasp for developers, with time they will begin to understand the doors that Observables open and rethink what they thought possible.
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Angular Forms with Reactive Programming
Angular Core Team Member Kara Erickson Talks About Improving Forms with Reactive Programming
Kara Erickson is a software engineer on the Angular team at Google. In this interview she talks about improving Angular form validation using RxJS. These planned improvements will make reactive forms more stream-based and provide developers with the ability to use operators in RxJS.
This new approach to forms will enable push-based validation instead of pull-based validation. Real time validation and real time database management will both see significant improvements.
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Angular Material
Angular Material Core Team Member Paul Gschwendtner on Improvements to the Library
Paul Gschwendtner, a member of the Angular Material Core Team tells us about upcoming releases, new features and improvements to be expected from Angular Material.
Angular Material provides developers with a UI component framework built specifically for Angular. There are many planned improvements for the library in the future. Just recently, the data table and date picker modules were released. The deprecation of the Material Module was also established for performance reasons.
Changes to the package structure of the library are also planned. These changes will better align the library with the Angular core package and allow webpack and other bundlers to be more effective, eliminating deep file searches, and providing performance improvements for tree shaking.
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Component Architecture
Angular Component Architecture with Justin Schwartzenberger
Justin, speaker and host of AngularAir talks component architecture and the importance of component analysis when looking Angular applications.
When building out components with Angular, issues often arise during implementation. Many developers and designers begin building before attempting to understand the architecture of the overall component.
If you think of an Angular application as a big component tree, then every new component you build is added to this tree. Understanding the tax inherited by each component is crucial. Each component has a payload and execution tax. Therefore, developers should be conscious about the fact that tax grows with every new component. Justin walks through a few different ways to think through one’s component architecture.
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We hope you enjoyed this article. For more information on Angular, be sure to check out http://angular.io.
This article was co-written by Sara Nopsittiporn and Tracy Lee.