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Jan Kaiser


Jan Kaiser

Senior Software Engineer

Software engineer passionate about everything web-related. Particularly loves Angular, SCSS, TypeScript, soccer and dachshunds

Vercel vs. VPS - What's the drama, and which one should you choose? cover image

Vercel vs. VPS - What's the drama, and which one should you choose?

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Improving INP in React and Next.js

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Using HttpClient in Modern Angular Applications cover image

Using HttpClient in Modern Angular Applications

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You Don't Need NgRx To Write a Good Angular App cover image

You Don't Need NgRx To Write a Good Angular App

NgRx is a great tool that allows you to manage state and side effects in Angular applications in a Redux-like manner. It streamlines state changes with its unidirectional data flow, and offers a structured approach to handling data and side effects. Numerous posts on our blog detail its strengths and affiliated techniques. Some Angular developers even argue that incorporating NgRx is imperative once an app expands beyond two features. While NgRx can undoubtedly enhance an Angular application or library by simplifying debugging, translating business logic into code, and improving the architecture, it does present a steep learning curve. Despite the provocative title, there is some truth to the statement: your app or library may indeed not need NgRx. Surprisingly, I successfully developed a suite of enterprise Angular libraries over five years without involving NgRx. In that project, we decided to opt out of using a state management library like NgRx because of its steep learning curve. Developers with varying levels of Angular expertise were involved, and the goal was to simplify their experience. My bold assertion is that, with careful consideration of architectural patterns, it is entirely possible to develop a robust app or library using only Angular, without any third-party libraries. Employing select design patterns and leveraging Angular's built-in tools can yield a highly maintainable app, even without a dedicated state management library. Having shared my somewhat audacious opinion, let me now support it by outlining a few patterns that facilitate the development of a maintainable, stateful Angular application or library without NgRx. Services and the Singleton Pattern Services provided in root or a module yield a shared instance across the entire app or module, effectively rendering them singletons. This characteristic makes them ideal for managing and sharing state across components without requiring a dedicated state management tool like NgRx. Particularly, for small to medium-sized applications, a "state service" can be a straightforward and effective alternative to a comprehensive state management solution when implemented correctly. To accurately implement state in a singleton service, consider the following: - Restrict state data to private properties and expose them only through public methods or observables to prevent external mutations. Such a pattern safeguards the integrity of your state by averting unauthorized modifications. - Utilize BehaviorSubjects or signals to enable components to respond to state changes. Both BehaviorSubject and SettableSignal retain the current value and emit it to new subscribers immediately. Components can then subscribe to these to receive the current value and any subsequent updates. - Expose public methods in your service that manage state modifications to centralize the logic for updating the state and incorporate validation, logging, or other necessary side effects. - When modifying state, always return a new instance of the data rather than altering the original data. This ensures that references are broken and components that rely on change detection can accurately detect changes. Good Component Architecture Distinguish your UI components into stateful (containers) and stateless (presentational) components. Stateful components manage data and logic, while stateless components merely receive data via inputs and emit events without maintaining an internal state. Do not get dragged into the rabbit hole of anti-patterns such as input drilling or event bubbling while trying to make as many components presentational as possible. Instead, use a Data Service Layer to provide a clean abstraction over backend API calls and handle error management, data transformation, caching, and even state management where it makes sense. Although injecting a service into a component technically categorizes it as a "smart" component, segregating the data access logic into a separate service layer ultimately enhances modularity, maintainability, scalability, and testability. Immutability A best practice is to always treat your state as immutable. Instead of modifying an object or an array directly, you should create a new copy with the changes. Adhering to immutability ensures predictability and can help in tracking changes. Applying the ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush strategy to components whenever possible is also a good idea as it not only optimizes performance since Angular only evaluates the component for changes when its inputs change or when a bound event is triggered, but it also enforces immutability. Change detection is only activated when a different object instance is passed to the input. Leveraging Angular Router Angular's router is a powerful tool for managing application state. It enables navigation between different parts of an application, allowing parameters to be passed along, effectively using the URL as a single source of truth for your application state, which makes the application more predictable, bookmarkable, and capable of maintaining state across reloads. Moreover, components can subscribe to URL changes and react accordingly. You can also employ router resolvers to fetch data before navigating to a route, ensuring that the necessary state is loaded before the route is activated. However, think carefully about what state you store in the URL; it should ideally only contain the state essential for navigating to a specific view of your application. More ephemeral states, like UI state, should be managed in components or services. Conclusion Angular provides lots of built-in tools and features you can effectively leverage to develop robust, maintainable applications without third-party state management libraries like NgRx. While NgRx is undoubtedly a valuable tool for managing state and side effects in large, complex applications, it may not be necessary for all projects. By employing thoughtful design patterns, such as the Singleton Pattern, adhering to principles of immutability, and leveraging Angular's built-in tools like the Router and Services, you can build a highly maintainable and stateful Angular application or library....

Content Projection in Front-end JavaScript Frameworks cover image

Content Projection in Front-end JavaScript Frameworks

Content Projection in Front-end Frameworks Initially, I wanted to write a nice comprehensive guide on ng-content and content projection in Angular. But then I found out that my colleague Linda already wrote a wonderful article that covers the topic very well, so I thought about it a little and realized that pretty much every front-end framework has some implementation of the concept. So I decided to write a short article about content projection in general and show how it is implemented in some of the most popular front-end frameworks. What is Content Projection? Some of you may also remember it by the term "transclusion", a bit of a tongue-twister from the Angular.js days. Content projection is a way to take markup (HTML, components...) and slot it right into another component. It's like the Swiss Army knife in our coding toolbox, helping us create reusable components that can fit anywhere. Let's imagine a card component - something you see on pretty much every website these days. It can have a header, a body, maybe some image, and a footer. Now, what you put inside that card can change based on what you need. Maybe today it's a user profile, tomorrow it's a product description, and the day after, it's a blog post. The layout stays the same, but the content? That's entirely up to you, and that's the magic of content projection. Using this approach can help us reduce redundancy in our code and keep it DRY. It also ensures a more consistent user experience. It is, however, important to remember that content projection is not a silver bullet. It can be overused, and it can make your code harder to read and maintain. So, as with everything, use it wisely. How Does it Work Content projection is essentially about two main players: the receiving component (where the content is projected into) and the projecting component (which provides the content to be projected). The receiving component has specific placeholders, often denoted as slots or named slots in frameworks like Vue.js or Web Components. These slots serve as 'parking spaces' for the content from the projecting component. In general, we distinguish two types of content projection: single-slot and multi-slot. Single-slot content projection is when you have only one placeholder for the content. Multi-slot content projection is when you have multiple placeholders for the content. The placeholders can be named or unnamed. Named placeholders are used when you want to project different content into different placeholders. When you're defining the receiving component, you usually specify these slots without defining what will go into them. It's akin to laying out an empty stage for a play, with specific spots designated for props, but not specifying what those props will be. This gives you the flexibility to later decide and alter what content will 'perform' in those spaces. Now, when it comes to the projecting component, that's where the magic happens. Here, you'll take advantage of the slots that the receiving component provides, filling them with the specific content you want to project. For example, you might have a card component with a 'header' slot. When you use this card component elsewhere in your application, you can decide what gets projected into that 'header' slot. It could be a title for one instance of the card and an image for another. Now, let's see the concepts different frameworks use to allow content projection, starting with the Web Components way. The Web Components Way (Slots) As I mentioned before, a very popular way to implement content projection is with slots. The "slot" approach is not only used in Web Components, but also in Vue.js, Svelte, or Qwik. In Web Components, slots are defined using the tag. Let's illustrate how slots are used in Web Components with an example of a card component with three slots: header, body, and footer. The content that will be projected into these slots will be defined when the component is used. The component will look like this: ` This receiving component could be used in a projecting component like this: ` You can check out this example on StackBlitz. Vue.js As mentioned above, Vue.js and other frameworks also use the slot concept. Let's see how it's implemented in Vue.js. First, the receiving component: ` And then, the projecting component: ` Pretty much the only difference for you as a developer is that you use the v-slot directive instead of the slot attribute. Similarly, Qwik for example uses a q:slot attribute. You can check out the Vue.js example on StackBlitz too! The Angular Way (ng-content) In Angular, content projection is implemented using the tag. It is a tag that is used to mark the place where the content will be projected. It can be used in two ways: - As a tag with a select attribute, which is used to select the content that will be projected. The value of the select attribute is a CSS selector that is used to select the content that will be projected. If the select attribute is not present, all content will be projected. - As a tag without a select attribute, which will project all content. Let's have look at an example of a receiving card component in Angular: ` And then, the projecting component can be used like this: ` You can check out this example on StackBlitz. As you can see, the Angular way is not very different from the Web Components way. It uses the tag instead of the tag and a select directive instead of the name (or q-name) attribute, but the principles are very much the same. The React Way (children) So far, we covered the "standard" way of content projection. In React, however, it is not so straightforward as it does not have a concept of "slots" or "content projection". We can still achieve something similar using the children prop. It is a prop that is used to pass children to a component. It can be used in two ways: - As a prop with a function as a value, which is used to select the content that will be projected. The function will be called for each child and it should return a React element. If the function returns null or undefined, the child will not be rendered. This way allows us to have "multiple content projection". - As a prop without a function as a value, which will project all content. Let's see an example of a receiving card component in React: ` And then, we can project content like this: ` In this example, anything you pass as a header prop will be rendered in the header of the card component, and anything you pass as a footer prop will be rendered in the footer. Any children of the CardComponent will be rendered in the body. Here's the StackBlitz to play with! Conclusion As we've seen, content projection is a powerful and handy concept widely adopted by front-end frameworks to enable reusability, component composition, and dynamic content management. The implementation may vary between different libraries, such as Angular's , Vue's slots, or React's children prop. Nevertheless, the underlying principle remains the same: providing a way to inject custom content into predefined placeholders within a component, thereby extending its flexibility and reusability. We've taken a look at how this is achieved in Angular, Vue.js, Web Components, and even in React. But remember, just like with any tool or skill, it's important to think things through before you start implementing this in your app or library. It might be tempting to start throwing this into every component you build, but it's always worth taking a step back and considering whether it's the right tool for the job. Always aim for code that's not just flexible, but also easy to read, maintain, and efficient to run....

A Guide to (Typed) Reactive Forms in Angular - Part III (Creating Custom Form Controls) cover image

A Guide to (Typed) Reactive Forms in Angular - Part III (Creating Custom Form Controls)

So far in the series, we have learned the basics of Angular Reactive forms and created some neat logic to construct and display dynamic forms. But our work is still not done yet. Whether we just want to make our controls look good and enhance them with some markup, or whether we need a more complex control than a simple textarea, input or checkbox, we'll either need to use a component library such as Angular Material Components or get familiar with the ControlValueAccessor interface. Angular Material, by the way, uses ControlValueAccessor in its components and I recommend looking into the source code if you want to learn some advanced use cases (I have borrowed a lot of their ideas in the past). In this post, however, we will build a basic custom control from scratch. A common requirement for a component that cannot be satisfied by using standard HTML markup I came across in many projects is having a searchable combobox. So let's build one. We will start by creating a new Angular component and we can do that with a handy ng cli command: ` Then we'll implement displaying data passed in the form of our FormField class we have defined earlier in a list and allowing for filtering and selecting the options: ` ` > Note: For the sake of brevity, we will not be implementing keyboard navigation and aria labels. I strongly suggest referring to W3C WAI patterns to get guidelines on the markup and behavior of an accessible combo box. While our component now looks and behaves like a combo box, it's not a form control yet and is not connected with the Angular forms API. That's where the aforementioned ControlValueAccessor comes into play along with the NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR provider. Let's import them first, update the @Component decorator to provide the value accessor, and declare that our component is going to implement the interface: ` Now, the component should complain about a few missing methods that we need to satisfy the ControlValueAccessor interface: - A writeValue method that is called whenever the form control value is updated from the forms API (e.g. with patchValue()). - A registerOnChange method, which registers a callback function for when the value is changed from the UI. - A registerOnTouched method that registers a callback function that marks the control when it's been interacted with by the user (typically called in a blur handler). - An optional setDisabledState method that is called when we change the form control disabled state- Our (pretty standard) implementation will look like the following: ` We don't have to update the template a lot, but we can add [disabled]="disabled" attribute on our button and input to disable the interactive UI elements if the provided form control was disabled. The rest of the work can be done in the component's TypeScript code. We'll call this.onTouched() in our closeListbox method, and create a value setter that updates our internal value and also notifies the model about the value change: ` You can check out the full implementation on StackBlitz. Conclusion In this series, we've explored the powerful features of Angular reactive forms, including creating and managing dynamic typed forms. We also demonstrated how to use the ControlValueAccessor interface to create custom form controls, such as a searchable combo box. This knowledge will enable you to design complex and dynamic forms in your Angular applications. While the examples provided here are basic, they serve as a solid foundation for building more advanced form controls and implementing validation, accessibility, and other features that are essential for a seamless user experience. By mastering Angular reactive forms and custom form controls, you'll be able to create versatile and maintainable forms in your web applications. If you want to further explore the topic and prefer a form of a video, you can check out an episode of JavaScript Marathon by my amazing colleague Chris. Happy coding!...